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Essay on “Traveling as a Part of Education” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Traveling as a Part of Education Essay No. 01 From time immemorial traveling has been considered a part of one’s education. The Englishmen, in particular, consider their schooling incomplete without a tour of the continent. Traveling is one of the most delightful experiences of mankind. People have always enjoyed going from place to place seeing men and things. In India, unfortunately foreign travel has not been encouraged and in fact there...
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Essay on “Simple Living and High Thinking” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Simple Living and High Thinking Essay  No. 01 Great men f the world has always preached that simple living and high thinking should be the golden principle of life. All great saints like Mahatma Gandhi, Guru Nanak and Buddha etc. who attained spiritual greatness and shook the world by their intellectual thinking are examples of this principle. From time immemorial, thinkers from every corner of the would have emphasized the importance...
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Essay on “Discipline” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Discipline Discipline is implicit obedience to the commands of a superior authority, and acceptance of punishment with a smile for any breach thereof. If there is no discipline in life, there is anarchy. Life is disordered. There is no plain. No one action is related to another so that nothing reaches its, proper conclusion. Little observation will show that form heaven above to earth below, everywhere discipline reigns supreme, for instances,...
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Essay on “Pollution in Cities” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

                               Pollution in Cities                                              One of the greatest menaces of modern time is pollution. Pollution may be of two types – Environment or air pollution and noise pollution. Air pollution is caused by smoke coming out of chimneys of factories, mills, workshops etc. in industrial areas. It is a great danger to health and life. With rapid...
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Essay on “Science in Everyday Life” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Science in Everyday Life Essay No. 01 Science is a great blessing to mankind. Nothing better has happened in the history of man than the advent of science in human life. The world into which science came was a world of ignorance, suffering, and hardship. Science has come to relieve us from sufferings, to remove our ignorance, and to lighter our toil. Science is a faithful servant of man. It serves...
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Essay on “Uses of Electricity” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Uses of Electricity Of all the discoveries made in recent times, the discovery of electricity has been easily the most useful. It has practically revolutionized the world. There is not a single phase of modern life that is not in some way or the other related to this important discovery. The present age has been truly described as an age of electricity. The electric bell, the electric train, the electric fan,...
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Essay on “Advantages of TV” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Advantages of TV Television is one of the chief miracles of science. It has revolutionized human outlook.  Mankind is indebted to Baird, a famous scientist who invented television and has made it possible to present moving, talking and breathing pictures of men, women and children on screen. In the modern era of science, great emphasis in given to television in educational, social and moral spheres. Television is a compound word of...
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