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Essay on “Nationalism Vs Internationalism” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Nationalism Vs Internationalism Nationalism is concerned with the affairs of a single national, but internationalism has its concern with the affairs of the whole world. Nationalism lays emphasis on sovereignty whereas internationalism lays stress on world citizenship and universal cooperation and brotherhood. Nationalism is close to patriotism and internationalism to globalization and cosmopolitanism. In order to pursue the idea of internationalism effectively, some of the sovereignty of the nation has to...
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Essay on “Agriculture vs Industrialization” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Agriculture vs Industrialization   India is mainly an agricultural country. A vast majority of Indians depends on agriculture. This is in one respect a good and positive thing because when agriculture is the base of society anywhere, the government only need formulate some effective agricultural policy and then food problem can easily be solved. In a country like India which has virtually an unmanageable population, food remained a major problem for...
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Essay on “A Walk in the Moonlit Night” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A Walk in the Moonlit Night Essay # 1 Most often we hear the appreciation of a walk in the morning, but the real significance and value of a walk in the moonlit night are not commonly realized. I, however, am in the habit of having a stroll after dinner. Sometimes, it is a dark night and sometimes a moonlit night. But I never miss this brief stroll in the park...
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Essay on “A Happy Dream” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A Happy Dream All of us dream during our sleep. In our dreams we often find fulfillment of desires which may not be possible in real life. Rich people who want more and more money often dream of money and paupers and beggars who can’t get enough food frequently dream of eating their much desired favourite dishes. My brother lives in Paris. He has often promised to take me there one...
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Essay on “The Himalayas” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Himalayas The Himalayas are the highest mountain ranges in the world. They lie from Jammu and Kashmir in the north-west to Assam and Meghalaya in the east. A part of the Himalayas lies in Nepal, Bhutan and China. In Pakistan, they extend up to the Hindukush. Everest which is a part of the Himalayas is the highest mountain peak in the world. It lies in Nepal Tenzing and Hillary were...
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Essay on “The Value of Silence” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Value of Silence It is rightly said that speech is silver but silence is golden. When a person speaks, howsoever carefully, he is bound to make some slip of the tongue. And even a talk arising out of the heart with all the good intentions in the mind of the speaker, is liable to be misunderstood by the listeners. We get the maximum peace of mind at a place where...
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Essay on “The Value of Forests” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Value of Forests Essay  No. 01 It is rightly said that for the earth to be a healthy place, at least one third of the whole land area should be covered with forests. Trees absorb carbon from the air in the sunlight and turn it into food for themselves. In return, they release oxygen in the air which is so essential for human and animal world. The existence of men,...
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