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Essay on “The Cost of Corruption” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Cost of Corruption          Synopsis:  Corruption in India is widespread.  The corrupt people are in high places and positions and have a call out.  These tainted BT powerful people have closes links with dons, mafias and antisocial elements.  Their nexus with criminals has been laid bare by the Vera Committee Report.  Consequently India’s internal an external security is in great danger. Because of this nexus, the criminals are allowed...
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Essay on “Pakistan’s Proxy War Against India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Pakistan’s Proxy War Against India          Synopsis:  Ever since its birth in 1947, Pakistan has been indulgent in proxy war and brinkmanship against India.  ISI and army in Pakistan are very powerful and enjoy much independence so much so that they have been dictating terms to its Prime Ministers.  This establishment never wants India and Pakistan living in peace and harmony.  Under the Gujral Doctrine India has initiated bilateral talks...
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Essay on “India’s Indigenous Light Combat Aircraft (LCA)” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

India’s Indigenous Light Combat Aircraft (LCA)          Synopsis:  No defence system can be dependable unless it is indigenous. Self-reliance in define system and technology is of vital importance for India surrounded by belligerent and hostile neighbors. Development of Light Combat Aircraft indogenously in the country is a welcome step.  LCA would be the state-of-the art combat aircraft much advanced and more sophisticated than any other modern existing such aircraft. LCA...
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Essay on “Railway Accident : Causes and Remedies” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Railway Accident : Causes and Remedies          Synopsis:  The safety stands of Indian railways are too low and there are frequent accidents beaus of human and mechanical failure.  Hundreds of train passengers die every year and thousands other are wounded, injured and maimed in train accidents.  Paucity of funds is advanced as arguments for such low safety standards.  But the argument hardly holds any water because Indian Railways is the...
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Essay on “Office Automation” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Office Automation          Synopsis: Office automation is now a buzzword.  Info Tech advancements have revolutionized the office work. Introduction of computers war the eeriest big stride in office automation.  Electronic mails, fax, cellular phones. Audio and video conferencing etc. have transformed the whole business and office atmosphere.  Now the emphasis is on fast and accurate performance.  These wonderful decide have totally changed the meaning and concept of office.  The use...
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Essay on “Indian Democracy” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Indian Democracy   Synopsis: Democracy is a is a political set-up in which public it’s the ultimate power.  India is democratic country based on the system of adult franchise and indirect participation by the people in the government.  All people are equipping before law in India.  It is democratic ideal based on equality of opportunity.  India is a democratic and welfare state which implies reasonably goo duality of life tall its...
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Essay on “Advantage of Internet” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Advantage of Internet  Or Use of Internet          Synopsis:  This is an age of information, Info Tech and computers.  Information is now multi-billion dollar business resulting in computer proliferation worldwide.  Information super highway or internet has revolutions the life and information technology.  By being hooked you can have access to anything anywhere in the world.  Internet is a melting pot of so many technologies which provides multimedia information facilities of...
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Essay on “Indian Tourism” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Indian Tourism               Synopsis:  Indian tourism industry holds excellent prospects both in terms of domestic and foreign tourist.  Tourism is becoming more and Joe popular because of many modern developments.  Tourism in India has developed many new dimensions and fascinations which need to be fully exploited to generate new employment opportunities and earn more foreign exchange.  Tourism infrastructure and tourism friendly culture should due be developed fast.  Many new and...
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