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Essay on “A day in the life of an Indian Farmer” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A day in the life of an Indian Farmer The Indian farmer earns his bread with the sweat of his own brow. He works hard morning till evening and yet he finds it difficult to make both ends meet. l Although he give food to the whole country, he is a poor person who does not have been the bare necessities of life. It is interesting to observe how he passes...
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Essay on “If I could make myself invisible for a day” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

If I could make myself invisible for a day To be invisible for a day! Rather a romantic fancy! You start thinking about me. It is the month of May. Perhaps you anticipate that I being a student would go into the office of the Central Board of Secondary Education and tamper with the results. But pardon me: when you wink thus of me you insult me I admit I shall...
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Essay on “If Barbers go on Strike” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

If Barbers go on Strike It may be a subject of controversy, but it is so said that the modern age is an age of civilization. I modern times, life has developed to a great perfection. There can be on two opinions about the fact that men, women and children of today are much better dressed than those of hundred years back. Only lip paradise is paid to the simplicity of...
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Essay on “If there were no Newspaper” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

If there were no Newspaper Many are the blessings that science has bestowed upon mankind. The newspaper is one of them. One is simply surprised to think what a wonderland does this tiny little thing hide in itself. As soon as it comes before you, it unfolds the whole of the universe before you. It is a bit difficult to think how it would look like if there were no newspapers....
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Essay on “If Electricity Fails” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

If Electricity Fails   Of all the inventions of science, electricity is perhaps the most useful on the practical side of life. In almost every sphere of life, we find electricity at work. Mills and factories are worked by electricity. Trains move by electricity most of the printing work is done by machines driven by electricity or electricity work is done by machines driven by electricity lifts, tube, wells ploughshares, winnowing...
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Essay on “If I were the mayor of a city” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

If I were the mayor of Delhi corporation Those who live in Delhi very well know what this city is in spite of its importance. It stands no comparison with other capitals of the world. Much bigger sound the names New York, London, Paris, Berlin, Moscow and Tokyo. If I were the Mayor of Delhi Corporation, I would try to take effective steps to raise the standard of the capital of...
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