Shorthand Dictation 80 Words per minute “ Land Ceiling ” , Test 5 Minutes with 5 Minutes Audio Dictation, Shorthand Outline and Text Matter. Test 9
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Sir, we have been listening to the honourable Members who spoke so many hours together on the Finance Bill. Many/ of them including you, the Chairman, have been stressing about the land ceiling. We have seen that Assam has made/ land ceiling three times. But if you go to the field, you will find not a single landless people is/ restored or provided with land and if you go State by State say, for example, Madhya Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh is/ a State having 23 percent tribals. If you see the history, almost the entire lands belonged to the tribal (100) people and those tribals were pushed up on the hills and those who are in the plains now are deprived/ of their own lands. If you ask them whose lands is this, they will say that the land belongs to/ them and how it has been taken over by the Sahukars and landlords. They will give the history that now/ the loan of Rs. 5 or Rs. 10 becomes Rs. 100 in two or three years with compound interest thereon. In/ this way lands have been squeezed by the Sahukars and multi-landlords. If you go to the field you will find (200) that all the tillers of the land are Scheduled Cast and Schedules Tribe people. If you go to your own/ State of Bihar from Patna to Ranchi, you will find on the whole land, on both sides, of the roads, / people are working. If you go to the field and ask the question, whose land it is, they will at once, say that this land belonged to them before. They are afraid to say this also. They will look this/ side or if somebody hears this, they will be in danger. Therefore, I want to stress, it is not the (300) question of ceiling alone on lands it is the question of how to provide the lands to the landless people/ who have been deprived.
Now, in regard to Madhya Pradesh wherefrom my friend come, I have extensively examined the area/ in a certain capacity as a Chairman of the Welfare of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes. There I found that/ a Bill, Restoration of Land, has been passed many years ago. If you go through the Act you will find/ that just to restore the land to the people from whom the land has been squeezed by the Sahukars or (400) money-lenders, it was found that huge money is to be paid to the money-lenders and thus the Act has/ not been activised. If you go in detail, you will find that only Rs. 50 were paid and the land was/ taken away after some years. So, we have got to be practical about what we want to do. We do/ not see anything, we are only.