Govt. Modal High School, Sector-34/C, Chandigarh (GMSSS-34/C), organized a function on “SWACH BHARAT ABHIYAN”
GMHS-34 organized a function on “SWACH BHARAT ABHIYAN” in which Mrs. Vinay Sood District Education Officer(S) UT ,Chandigarh presided over the function. The other guests were Mr. Surinder Singh Principal of GMSSS-21, Mr.Rajesh GMHS-19, and Mr. Parmanand Ayra (CRC).
Mrs. Vinay Sood inaugurated the activity corner named as “Creative Pulse of the students” to beautify the campus of the school. A cultural program depicting the need to clean India under Prime Minister Sh. Narinder Modi’s call for Swachh Bharat ,Beti bachao Beti Padhao,Health and Go Green this Diwali was enjoyed by the audience in the form of yoga, poem, dance and group song.
For a mission to beautify and build awareness for Swach Bharat Abhiyan school has been already been divided into four categories Mahatama Gandi, Priyanka Chopra,Sachin Tendulkar and Sh. Narinder Modi through inter house competition. Four Swachh monitors of the school Gagandeep from class X,Ajay and Krishan from class IX and Sana from class VIII were selected. One Swach brand Ambassador Krishan Chander was selected out of the swachh monitors.
Mrs. Vinay Sood appreciated the activities, cleanliness and discipline of the school. She added that inculcating cleanliness in students life is the best part as they can spread it further among their family members and therefore the way for a clean society as a whole .
Dr. Vinod Sharma, head of the institution presented vote of thanks to the DEO and others dignitaries from education department .Dr.Sharma Said that the school has always tried to implement each and every program sponsored by the Government as it will help the students to become responsible and healthy citizens of the country.
In the end ,national anthem was sung by the students.