Letter to your friend inviting him to a family marriage.

Letter to your friend inviting him to a family marriage. Dear Vinay, How’s life? There has been no news from your side for a long time. I heard that you went abroad for some work, from Anurag. He has just being promoted as a Zonal Manager and last night we had dinner together at his place. How are your parents? Convey my regards to them. Here things are pretty busy. Last...
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Reply Write a letter to the Husband who is residing abroad.

Reply Write a letter to the Husband who is residing abroad. Dearest Ranvir, Words are not sufficient to express the joy your letter gave to “the children and me. I’m at loss to express my emotions at this moment but I really miss you as I have never missed anyone. It would have been ideal if we could also be with you but try to enjoy yourself and do not forget...
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Write a letter to your wife from abroad.

Write a letter to your wife from abroad. Dear Pinky, Hi! Hope this letter brings a lot of happiness to you. How are the children? Convey them, my love. I am missed you since the time the flight landed at Frankfurt. Life here is altogether different and people are more realistic. There are lots of places of interest and visiting those places reminded me of you. I wanted you to be...
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Write a letter to your friend at the loss of a near one.

Write a letter to your friend at the loss of a near one. Dear Ajitabh It came as a rude shock to me to hear that your father has left for heavenly abode. Only a month ago when he came to Delhi on his work, he met me and we spent around two-hours talking. I still cannot believe it. But then Ajitabh that’s how life is, full of sudden twists and...
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Reply Letter from son to father regarding the outstanding result.

Reply Letter from son to father regarding the outstanding result. Respected Papa Received your letter today. I was really touched. Whatever I’m today is a result of whatever I learnt from you. You have been the single motivating factor in my life. I assure you that I’ll not let you down for all your efforts to give me the best of education within your limited resources. My success is the result...
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Letter from father to son regarding the outstanding result.

Letter from father to son regarding the outstanding result. My dear Ranjan Going through your letter I could see my dreams about you of becoming a computer engineer gradually unfolding. Your mother’s happiness was obvious in her tears. Your younger sister has been propagating your success to all and sundry. I’m proud of you. But remember, that this is just the beginning so, keep on with your fireless efforts. And leave...
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Reply letter to the brother from boarding School.

Reply letter to the brother from boarding School. Dear Barun Yours was the letter I was badly waiting for, because besides being my elder brother you are also my best friend. Your letter really made me quite sentimental. In fact, I returned from my football session to find your letter and who knows me better than you. Give my regards to father and mother and tell both of them not to...
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Write a letter to your brother staying in the boarding.

Write a letter to your brother staying in the boarding. Dear Arun, How are you? Everyone is fine here although mother is quite upset. Knowing, how much she loves you, you can understand her feelings. In fact, we all miss you very much. Father keeps worrying how you will adjust to a boarding life, but knowing you inside out, I’m sure you have adjusted yourself faster than we think. How’s the...
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