Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Sweet are the Uses of Adversity” Complete English Essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 Students.
Sweet are the Uses of Adversity
We wish to be free of adversity because it is usually painful and discouraging. But, adversity can be useful in making us think about ourselves and our actions more critically, It can thereby help us improve our lives. It does so by giving us an opportunity to realize our limitations, and perhaps, even to capitalize on our strengths. Adverse situations can be overcome by sheer willpower, which hardens our resolve and increases our courage to face difficulties. Facing adversity in early life and overcoming it will certainly enable us to succeed in life. Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest of modern statesmen, was born in poverty and had a difficult childhood. But, his determination to succeed in life helped him become one of the greatest presidents of the USA.
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