Essay on “The Role of Youth in India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
The Role of Youth in India
Essay No. 01
Youth is the backbone of a country. Youth can play an important role in building a strong and united India. Unfortunately, for decades, since independence, youth have felt neglected, disillusioned and rudderless. They need a sense of direction, involvement and responsibility. The youth power should be harnessed to tackle the age-old social evils and other problems facing the country. Now that the voting age has been lowered to 18, youth can play a critical role in the coming years to transform the hopes and aspirations of the nation into a reality. They should act judiciously. They should not become pawns in the hands of politicians. Thus in India of tomorrow, youth is assured of a decisive role in the task of nation-building even though indirectly.
Youth in any country form its backbone. It is on youths shoulders that the responsibility for change, progress and innovations lies. Youth are starry eyed, full of idealism and bubbling with energy to honestly fight for a cause. Every age suffers from the conservation of its elders. It is the youth only who have the necessary courage and initiative to break out the taboos and crippling practices. Mao-tse Tung of China realised this latent power and dedication of the youth of his country. He, therefore, entrusted them with the Cultural Revolution—a movement intended to weed out the deadwood in the party, who stood for status quo. Again in our own. country, our youth played a significant role in the freedom struggle and made considerable sacrifices.
But, unfortunately, since the attainment of Independence, the youth in the country have been going adrift. They have not been associated with the contemporary national problems. They have not been assimilated in the mainstream of national life. The youth feel alienated and, therefore to a certain extent, frustrated. Unless there are worthy causes or challenging problems to give our youth a chance to show their mettle, there is bound to be a sense of directionlessness and dissatisfaction. And the youth India for decades has felt neglected. Consequently their energies and stamina are getting misdirected into negative thinking and destructive activities. Partly the leadership of the country is responsible for this state of affairs vis-a-vis the youth.
If one surveys the national scene today and studies the structure—social, economic and religious—of Indian society, one can easily earmark the fields and problems which need youths dynamism and dedication. Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru dreamt of a beautiful, united and strong India. The youth of today. can play a sterling role in the realization of this dream. Not only will the youth lend a helping hand in tackling the ills affecting the country, but also they will not feel bitter and alienated,
We are well aware of the extensive damage that is being done to the fabric of our national structure by parochial thinking along caste and communal lines. It is time, we shed our partisan prejudices and worked jointly for the progress of the county. It is time a concerted effort was made to rid our national life of caste and communal strife, so that there could be a homogeneous, peaceful and progressive India. And no other section of society is more suited for this onerous task than the youth. ,They can, with their liberal outlook, decide to shed casteism and communal bias and propagate this thinking among. others also. They can go in for inter-caste and inter-community marriages and thus create fellow-feeling among different sets of people. They can also decide to drop their caste-reflecting surnames. This will enable them to carve out their own individual identities rather than falling hack upon the goodwill of the caste.
Another important task that the youth can successfully undertake is to eliminate the curse of dowry. Dowry is responsible for a large number of deaths of innocent married girls and harassment of the parents of the marriageable daughters. The birth of a daughter in Indian society is an unwelcome event. It generates gloom and despair among the parents simply because of the large dowry which will be required for marrying the girl. The youth—both boys and girls—can take a pledge not to give and accept dowry. Also they can force their parents to stop this desirable practice. This problem directly concerns the youth themselves. Therefore, they can easily tight it and save lives from being lost. The youth in the cities can get in touch with the youth in the rural, areas and educate them with a view to creating a mass movement for the abolition of dowry. Where legal sanctions against dowry have nearly failed, this social movement by the youth will prove effective.
Another nagging problem that India faces today is that of population explosion. According to the 1991 census, India’s population was 84.63 crores. In a country, where every minute a child is born, all planning is bound to come to nought. All economic progress is certain to be nullified by the increase in the population. With ever increasing mouths to feed, the government’s efforts to strengthen the economic situation have yielded poor results. Inflation has become a chrome feature. The masses of pool people have been reeling under the impact of rising prices. Government has no doubt initiated several measures to curb population. However, this again is a:problem which requires mass-education about the. ill-effects of large families on the nation, on the family as a unit, and even on the health of the mother and on the future of children. It is again the youth of the country who can be of tremendous help in solving this nearly unsurmountabl problem. First, they themselves should resolve to limit their own families when they get married. The youth can organise camps in the rural areas with a view to educating them about the benefits of small families. The village folk are generally suspicious of government officials, nurses and doctors. If a ground has been prepared, then the family planning officials will meet with better success, as they will get the villagers Cooperation.
Our is a developing nation. Our resources are limited. Crores of rupees are being spent by the government on literacy programmes , like adult education. Still the literacy rate remains pretty low. The educated youth, particularly the students, should come forward during the holidays, and visit villages to teach the villagers. They can teach them elementary reading and writing They can also educate them about the laws of hygiene and need for cleanliness, and harmful effects of drinking and tobacco chewing.
Widespread corruption is another problem which can be tackled by the youth. They should organize themselves and form anti-corruption cells (independent of government control) and take up particular cases. corruption and expose the guilty both politicians and public servants. They, have the required boldness .They have the sincerity of purpose to unravel Corrupt deals and officials and put them to shame. This will prevent people from indulging in corrupt practices.
Of late, the government has become conscious of the need to tap the youth-power The youth are being associated with the political and social, activities more actively. It is essential that the Young and dynamic youth should be given ample -opportunities to participate in the task of nation building. The should follow the footsteps of youth leaders like late Sanjay Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi who started their political career with Indian Youth Congress (IYC).
With the lowering Of the voting age to 18, the young have suddenly become political important. The new voters can decisively tilt the political scales at a general election. Realising this, all the political parties are trying to involve more youth in their political agenda. It depends on the youth not to become pawn in the hands of politicians, but to be judicious. The youth should cast their vote after weighing all the pros and cons. Undoubtedly, in the India of tomorrow the young are going to play a decisive role in choosing their leaders. It is a big responsibility and it will involve the in the task of national reconstruction. Hence, the youth is going to play a crucial role in the coming years to translate the hopes and aspirations of the nations into reality.
Youth is the most vital human resource of the nation on whom the present and future of the country depend. The Department of Youth Affairs and Sports is implementing a number of schemes of youth development. Several initiatives taken in the past have given a new thrust to the youth programmes for channelising the abundant energy of the youth into constructive activities. The National Youth Policy also seeks to provide the youth with new opportunities to participate in nation-building activities.
Essay No. 02
Role of Youth
Youth are the valuable human resource of every country. They constitute about one-third. of the total population of India. During the freedom struggle, the youth of our country played a significant role. But after independence,’ they have become inactive. There is a generation gap between the old -and the young. Most of the youth are misdirected. They should be guided and their energies should be utilized for the progress of the nation. India today is burdened with many social, political and economic problems. The youth can-come forward and check them, and work for the betterment of the nation. The youth can also provide relief to afflicted persons during natural calamities. By performing a constructive role, the youth can make India preposterous in every field.
Youth constitute about 34% of the total population of India. The youth today have often been misunderstood by the elders. There has always been a struggle between tradition and modernity. The elders consider the youth to be immature and inexperienced. The widening generation gap has made them feel alienated. The growing population has complicated the problem of unemployment. Reservations and nepotism have further complicated the problems of unemployment. Schools and colleges do not groom them for a bright future. All these factors have frustrated the youth.
Students constitute majority of the youth. They indulge in acts of indiscipline in different schools, colleges and universities. Thus, their energies are being misused for destructive purposes. They hold rallies and resort to strikes, etc. They go to the extent of taking law into their own hands. They lack proper guidance and good leadership. They should be guided so that they use their energies for concrete purposes.
The students alone cannot be blamed for this. Political leaders exploit student power for their own political ends. If there is good leadership, students’ power can be utilized for bringing about social, economic and political reforms.
India today is facing many problems in the social and economic sphere. Corruptions, increasing population, illiteracy rate, social evils etc. are some of the burning problems. The youth should take an active part to solve these problems, which have delayed the progress of the country.
The population of India has crossed the one billion mark. This has hindered the progress of the country. Though various programmes and reforms have been implemented yet they didn’t bring any positive effects. Family planning programmes have not been totally accepted by the people. Youth organisations should take up the responsibility of educating the poor about the benefits of family planning. Illiteracy is another burning problem in our country. The youth should encourage the illiterate parents to send their children to school. They should initiate steps to teach the illiterate people. They could give them elementary education. They should also educate them about the need for cleanliness.
One of the worst social problems faced by India is the evil of dowry. The youth should come forward and fight against this practice. They should not come under the pressure of their parents to demand, give or accept dowry.
Services of youth can he taken for national integration. The youth should fight against communalism, casteism, linguism, regionalism, etc. The youth should play a responsible role for the betterment of the country. By performing a constructive role, the youth can bring prosperity in India.
Essay No. 03
Indian Youth
India’s population is more than 100 crores, out of which 40% are in the age group of 15 and 30. They form a huge reservoir of energy and cream of the country. Wisdom and discretion are not the monopoly of the elders alone. The young men and women are also intelligent and wise and much of a nation’s progress and future depend upon them. According to Samuel Johnson, “Young men have more virtue than old men; they have more generous sentiments in every respect.” And in the words of Lord Byron:
The days of our youth are the days
of our glory;
And the myrtle and ivy of sweet
two and twenty
Are worth all our laurels, though
ever so plenty.
Young people are full of abundant energy, courage, spirit for adventure, imagination, hope and ambition. These can be very well used in constructive and developmental activities. These should not be allowed either to go waste or used for destructive purposes. The young men and women of India should be fully involved in the creative work of nation-building and reconstruction. The younger generation, which is more generous, flexible, sensitive and dynamic, can do wonders if properly guided and motivated. It is with the help of the young men and women of China that Mao Tsetung, the chairman of the People’s Republic of China (1949-59) and of the Chinese Communist Party, effected the great Cultural Revolution which transformed the whole of China into one of the great political and military powers of the world. Mao was well aware of the power, exuberance, spontaneity, ebullience and unlimited energy of the youth and used these to great advantage for himself and China. Besides China, there are many other countries like France and Indonesia, etc. where the youth has helped in changing the course of history in more ways than one.
It is easy to blame the youth of India for impatience, indiscipline, irreverence for the elders, authority and social customs. But all these reflect one-sidedness and lack of proper understanding on the part of the eiders and grown-ups. No doubt the youth of modern India has its own limitations and problems, etc. but these can be removed or decreased to a great extent by sympathy, understanding and appreciation. If the youth of India have any shortcomings and faults, the elders are to blame because the former mirror the latter.
Proper orientation and positive steps are needed to engage the youth of the country in nation-building activities. Their zeal, enthusiasm and energy need to be channelised in developmental activities and social reconstruction. The Indian youth, full of inexhaustible power, is always eager to do something positive, constructive and appreciable for the society and the nation.
In order to harness the youth-power of the country, a National Youth Policy has been framed to instill in the youth a deep awareness of national ideals of secularism, non-violence, integration and our ancient historical and cultural heritage. It also aims at developing qualities of discipline, self-reliance, leadership, justice, fair play, sporting spirit and scientific temper so as to enable them to combat superstitions, obscurantism and other numerous social ills and evils.
With the above objectives in view, adventure institutions, cultural centres, Yuvak Kendras, and sports centres, etc. have been established in various important cities and towns of the country. For example, Indian Mountaineering Foundation, New Delhi and National Adventure Foundation are two important institutions for promotion of adventure. These provide training facilities and financial assistance for undertaking mountaineering, biking, trekking, expeditions, explorations, cycle-tours, etc. to promote a feeling of oneness and unity. The young men and women from one part of the country exchange visits with their counterparts from other parts. It helps them to familiarize themselves with different environments, lifestyles and social customs.
Then there is the National Service Scheme (NSS). Its main objective is to involve the college and +2 level students on a voluntary and selective basis in the programme of social service and national development. Started in 1969, now it is being implemented in all the states and union territories and covers over 5,000 colleges. Under this scheme, rural and slum reconstruction, repair of roads and school-buildings, village ponds, tanks, tree plantation, conservation of environment, health and family welfare, and adult and women education, etc. are undertaken. NSS students also help local authorities in implementing various relief and rehabilitation programmes. At times of natural calamities, like floods, droughts, famines and earthquakes, NSS students and volunteers play a very important, positive and constructive role.
There are special schemes for the tribal youth to give them vocational training and to update their skills to help them in self-employment. There are youth hostels strewn all over the country to promote travel among young men and women, by providing cheap accommodation when on educational tours and excursions to historical and cultural places. The Nehru YuvakKendras, about 446 in number and spread all over the country, serve non-students and rural youth to improve their personality and employment capability. Under the international scouting and guiding movement, the Bharat Scouts and Guides and All India Boys Scouts Association are inculcating in the Indian youth a spirit of loyalty, patriotism and thoughtfulness for others.
But still more and vigorous efforts are needed to solve the problems of the youth. They are a frustrated lot for want of proper employment opportunities. Our education system does not take note of their requirements and, therefore, fails to prepare them well for life and career. The red-tapism, nepotism, caste considerations and favouritism further add to their problems and frustration. For want of proper leadership and ideals, they suffer from lack of direction, purpose and decisiveness. The task of tackling these and other problems of the youth is difficult and challenging but not impossible. It is the duty of the government, voluntary agencies, corporate world and the society to see that youth-power is properly harnessed, that young men and women are properly educated and trained and subsequently satisfactorily employed. The advanced and developed countries have been investing heavily for the last many decades in schemes and programmes related to the training, education, orientation and welfare of their youth.
With the passage of time, the number of young people in India is likely to increase and so it becomes imperative that more effective ways and means are found to use their vast energy in economic reconstruction and social regeneration activities. Perhaps, one of the best ways can be their greater involvement in welfare schemes, community development programmes and nation-building activities so as to generate in them a sense of purpose, pride, self-confidence and relevance. It is only by such means and efforts that the young people in India can be given the much needed self-confidence and a sense of fulfillment and belonging. They can be inspired to work in the slums, villages and hamlets in their spare time. They can be urged to adopt families, villages or clusters of houses to improve sanitation, education, social awareness, economic condition and skills of the people residing in them.
good one ….
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