Essay on “Gandhian Outlook and Philosophy” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Gandhian Outlook and Philosophy
Mahatma Gandhi was a revolutionary who was committed to protest and eradicate all types of oppression. He was influenced by the writings of Thoreau and Tolstoy and he studied many scriptures including the Gita, the Ramayana and the Upanishads. He was a real seeker after truth. Distinctions of race, nationality and sect had no place in Gandhian ethics. He attached the highest importance to both ends and means and preached Satyagrah. Although Gandhiji claimed to be a realist, he was a great idealist. He envisaged the ideal of world .government and favoured simple and noble living, production through cottage and small-scale industries, village self-sufficiency, manual labour and self-help. He was no individualist but an advocate in the moral and spiritual sense of the term. His philosophy should be considered in the context of the conditions prevailing in the country.
Mahatma Gandhi had the wisdom Of Socrates, the humility of St. Francis, he mass, appeal of Lenin, the saintliness of the ancient. Indian rishis and the profound universal love of Buddha. He was a revolutionary who wail committed to protest and eradicate all types of tyranny and sociar injustice but never had ill-will towards any one, who led a mighty movement against British imperialism but never allowed the movement: to be accompanied by resentment, rancour or hatred against Englishmen. Gandhiji was a sincere seeker after truth, a spiritual explorer or a scientist, experimenting all his life to discover- truth and apply it to practical problems confronting man. He studied the Ramayana, the Bhagvata, the Vaisfinava poets of Gujarat and the popular writings of the Jains. During:, his stay in England he studied Buddhism and the Gita, met Quakers missionaries, read the Upanishads in translation, Ruskins Unto this Last, theosophist literature and books .on Islam. He was also greatly influenced by the writings of Thoreau and Tolstoy.
Gandhiji never passed through the valley of doubt and darkness and remained a God-conscious and God-fearing man throughout his life. He a firm faith in God and his scheme of life. According to Gandhiji God was kind, just and loving and always responded to prayers and love. God was Truth and Love. His faith in God was never shaken Gandhiji believed in the principle of Karma and in punishment for the wrongs done, but he believed that man was fundamentally a free agent and that man himself was responsible for shaping his fortunes.
The Gandhian way is the way of universal love and tolerance, of profound reverence for all great religions which are so many way of apprehending the reality and identifying ourselves with., its purpose. Distinctions of race, nationality and sect have no place in Gandhian ethics. He Was an admirer of all religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, :Sikhism, Islam, Christianity and others. He disapproved of dogmatism, fanaticism, intolerance, selfishness. Gandhiji was secularist in the sense That he was against any discrimination between citizen and citizen on groiinds of religion, sect or caste.
Gandhiji never agreed that means were justified by ends, and attached the highest importance to both ends and means. He pleaded that we must refuse to meet hatred with hatred, violence with violence, evil with evil, but must love even our enemies, for in reality they were not enemies. He always preached Satyagrah truth-force, non-violence, universal love. Man, he said, was a spiritual being. Love and non-violence were part of his nature. Force, hatred, vindictiveness were contrary to it. Non-violence was not the weapon of the weak and the timid but of a strong man who would not tolerate any manifestation of evil or injustice or tyranny but would resolutely fight it and willingly suffer the consequence of rebellion. Gandhiji was a great revolutionary, a great- rebel, a great social reformer, but his weapon always was non-violence. He believed that violence and hatred brutalised men, love ennobled them and brought out the best in them.
Gandhiji claimed to be realist but he was a great idealist whose thinking was always on the highest level. He did not think that Satyagrah was beyond mans power. It was said about him that he had the power of making heroes out of clay. Man has tremendous potentialities which can be brought out by dynamic leadership, by training and education by religious and spiritual discipline. It is now universally recognized that war is not a necessary evil which must periodically appear,. but something hateful, which can be ended if mankind is organised no an international basis. There is nothing utopian about Mahatma Gandhis, ideals.
Indeed, Satyagrah very lofty weapon and even Gandhiji’s own followers had not fully imbibed his ideals. Congress leaders accepted the Satyagrah technique partly because they were convinced that it was a morally superior weapon and partly because it promised better results. Nehru publicly confessed that non-violence was adopted as a method of agitation because “we have not the material or the training for organised, violence and individual or sporadic violence is a confession of despair.
Gandhiji also envisaged the ideal of World Government to eliminate injustice and oppression. Such a Government would establish the rule of law among nations. and exploit world resources on a scientific basis for the benefit of the human race as a whole. It would have some force its disposal to deal with any act of aggression. Nobody can object to the:! use of this force because it will always be employed to uphold the rule of law. The democratic State will look after peoples internal affairs and maintain the police to crush anti-social forces. Obviously, there is nothing wrong with the use of force by a duly constituted, public spirited authority in defence of. the rule of law.
Mahatma Gandhi distrusted the highly centralised modern State because while apparently doing- good by minimizing exploitation and promoting Welfare, it destroyed individuality and thereby impedes progress. With all his sympathy for the poor and the downtrodden, he was no socialist using the instrument of State to relieve distress, ensure an equitable distribution of wealth and provide employment through planned scientific exploitation of the national resources. He was a decentralise who want all economic and political power to be decentralized so that the people- might really feel free and not slaves of a centralized authority in their participation was only nominal. Gandhiji advocated village,; autonomy, each village, more or less autonomous and self-governing through panchayats and a loose federation of villages for the satisfaction of common needs.
Gandhiji favoured simple and noble living, production through cottage.: and small scale industries, village self-sufficiency, manual labour and.: self-help. He was dissatisfied with the present economic system and the growing trend towards materialism. He Was Against the modern craze for unlimited wants and ostentatious living and against ever-increasing, mechanisation of production and huge industrial combines expanding their operations and pushing, out small producers. He wanted everyone to be employed and assured of the basic conditions Of good life, such as food. Clothing and shelter. He was not opposed to the use of machinery wanted machines to serve man, not to enslave him. He did not have soft corner in his heart for the rich.
Gandhiji was no individualist as the term is, ordinarily interpreted- a man impelled by self-interest, working for self-aggrandisement and conceding to society the minimum right to regulate his conduct. He was an advocate of individualism in the moral and spiritual sense of the terms. He was against every custom that degraded man and made a mockery of his spiritual nature. In the practice of untouchability he saw man s most deadly sin. He never subscribed to the theory that women were in any way inferior to men or less intelligent or wise. Widows in his view had as much right to marry as the widowers. He condemned child marriage he denounced intoxicating drugs and drinks as brutalizing men and doing violence to their spiritual nature. Gandhiji s views on education were also inspired by the consideration for forming a sound character. He rejected the caste system based on birth as immoral. He was strongly opposed to exploitation of labour but he also reminded workers of their duty towards their employers, their work and their nation.
The philosophy of life as endeared and propounded by Mahatma Gandhi has been criticized on the ground that Independent India has completely repudiated” it. Modern India is committed to the operation of highly centralised parliamentary government, large scale industrialisation on the Western pattern and modern -science at: technology. But Gandhijis views on autonomous” villages, his advocacy of cottage industries, charkha and Khaddar, his general Opposition to Mass production, big labour saving machinery and imitation of Western production methods should be considered in the context of the conditions prevailing in the country. Besides, we must consider the spirit underlying his proposals. He was not a philosopher or a metaphysical thinker. He has given the world a new way of life, a way which is also as old as civilisation itself. His greatest contribution to modern thought lies in his insistence that man is fundamentally a spiritual and moral being and that society is an association of human spirits, an association which is not limited in any way by considerations of nationality, race, creed or sex.