English Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “The World Peace Day-1st Jan” Complete Essay for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students for Exams.
The World Peace Day-1st Jan
World Peace Day is observed by the Catholic Church throughout the world on 1st January, every year. It can be said that it is the beginning of the New Year. It is just a coincidence that it falls exactly a week after Christmas during which the main message is “Glory to God is the Highest and Peace and Goodwill towards all the people on the earth should prevail.” The Pope elaborates his continuous and serious concern for peace in the world on the 1st of January when the world is watching a series of terrorist attacks and war.
In any form of peace, the prime theme is a feeling of peace within. People, except a few, work towards achieving peace on World Peace Day. Pope John Paul II gave a message to show how peace can be achieved and how conflicts can be avoided. The Pope has recognised the essential conditions for peace in four requirements of human spirit i.e. Truth, Justice, Love, and Freedom. All these four factors will build peace if every individual sincerely acknowledges his rights as well as his duties. Human dignity and human rights should be synonymous with peace.
Religion has a vital role in fostering peace in the world. It exercises peace more effectively as it concentrates on what is good and bad. The Pope expressed a desire to nurture peace by spreading spirituality and a culture of peace.
“Peace and happiness in unity is the goal of humanity.”