e-TypeWriting Computers have moved into every corner of our daily lives. Computers are at work in departmental stores, homes, offices, hospitals, banks, theaters and even coffee shops. They have become so fundamental to our modern society that without them, our economy would grind to halt. In the last few decades, computers have completely altered business practices all around the world. We are living in information age and with the concept of Virtual...
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October 21, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygourStenographyNo Comment
Unfortunately, nature obeys the natural laws, human beings seldom obey and the Government normally does not. That is for this 20 reason, these calamities have not been resolved even though the country is entering into the golden year of celebration of 40 its independence day. It is for this reason FI would like to make a request to the Government of India 60 through the Hon’ble Speaker that while we...
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September 15, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygourStenographyNo Comment
It was difficult not to sympathies with the United Front Government’s plight when it faced the demands of the Central 20 Government employees’ unions to increase their emoluments far beyond the awards of the Pay Commission. The United Front Government is 40 divided, and every one knows it. Almost any organised interest group, let alone one as powerful as the Central Government 60 Employees, could therefore be sure of winning some...
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September 15, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygourStenographyNo Comment
Sir, I would like to draw the attention of the House to a very serious problem being faced by the 20 patients of Thalassaemia in our country. You will be surprised to know that Thalassaemia patients in Bombay are testing positive 40 for HIV during tests. At least 45 such cases have been detected among patients in the age 60 group of 5 to 15. Such cases have been detected in...
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September 15, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygourStenography1 Comment
The present Government is very liberal. It has launched the liberalisation policy. If the Government does not have sufficient funds, 20 it should made arrangements to mobilize funds at any cost. Today. I would like to thank Lalooji for promoting industrialization 40 in Bihar by inviting Thai companies to invest there. The Government of India should also follow suit. Sir, there are 60 several places in Gaya, which, if developed...
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September 15, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygourStenographyNo Comment
So far as the question of development is concerned, we are making efforts for that. Our friends Shri Dharm Pal 20 have mentioned about several schemes. We are discussing those schemes. I do not want to go into the matter as 40 to why they were not approved earlier but we have taken a decision that we would approve these schemes for 60 all the backward areas. Sir, I do not...
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September 15, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygourStenographyNo Comment
I would like to tell my friend that there can be a dispute on whether to retain Article 370 20 in the State or not, but he must remember that this is not the result of appeasement of any particular 40 community. The people of Kashmir decided to merge into India under special circumstances. Another thing, that we must not forget, 60 is that when the people of Kashmir decided to...
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September 15, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygourStenographyNo Comment
I would like to remind you of the Simla Summit and would say that Simla Summit was the result of 20 some thinking made which we preferred friendship with Pakistan instead of a war. The then Prime Minister, Shrimati Indira Gandhi, 40 was also guided by that thinking. To develop friendly relations with Pakistan has been our national policy. But some people are 60 absorbed with the ghost of Pakistan and...
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September 15, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygourStenographyNo Comment
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