Shorthand Dictation 80 Words per minute with outline, 10 Minutes Test 21
Unfortunately, nature obeys the natural laws, human beings seldom obey and the Government normally does not. That is for this 20 reason, these calamities have not been resolved even though the country is entering into the golden year of celebration of 40 its independence day.
It is for this reason FI would like to make a request to the Government of India 60 through the Hon’ble Speaker that while we express our concern for floods, we must have to evolve measures. And how 80 these measures will be evolved should not be done through a Commission because we had the sad experience about the 100 Commission. The Kothari Education Commission was hailed by almost all the educationists and the learned scholars all over the world but 120 it was not put into action. The new education policy was created, where the human beings were called the resources. 140 Now, there has been a Ministry called, ‘Ministry of Water Resources’. I do not know whether, during the monsoon season, 160 water has become a source or an article of tragedy. While I share the views expressed by many friends that 180 floods will occur and the intensity will differ and the causes of floods all over the country will be different and, 200 therefore, while tackling the floods, we have to utilize the applications of science and technology. Unfortunately, since Independence, science and 220 technology have not been properly utilized in resolving floods.
I am very sorry to state that many of the States 240 have already been reeling under floods and Assam is not an exception. Now, my point of taking a stand today 260 is that floods in Assam have not properly and duly understood by different authorities, who are in the management 280 of floods.
The river, Brahmaputra, is one of the major causes for floods and probably, I fo not know whether 300 the learned members are aware of this or not and also I do not know whether the Government if aware of 320 this or not. Brahmaputra river runs into a course of more than 2,900 kilometers; of this, more 340 than 50 per cent is outside India and nearly 50 per cent, slightly less than 50 per cent, is within India. Of which,360 kilometers lie in the State of Assam. This Brahmaputra river is feeding as many as 43 tributaries.
When we discuss floods, we take floods within the region of 640 kms. Running within the State of Assam 400 and we forget that there are about 1,300 kms of the river lying outside. As it is at 420 the rear portion, the intensity of floods in Assam will be much different from the nature of floods in Arunachal 440 Pradesh or any other international area. That is why, while taking the measures for resolving floods in Assam, the entire 460 length of the river should be taken into consideration along with its tributaries.
Sir, through the Speaker, I want to 480 make the Government aware-our Minister for Agriculture is also taking part in this discussion-that during the summer, the 500 whole of Brahmaputra Valley becomes a river and during the winter, its width is to the extent of two to 520 fifteen kilo meters and during the summer, its width is more than 40 kilometers at places. While taking the flood 540 control measures, one very important point- in the entire riverain area of Brahmaputra, at least to the extent of one-third 560 of the banks of Brahmaputra were eroded; thousands of villages had been wiped out and many of the towns had 580 already been embraced by the river, Brahmaputra-should be borne in mind. Therefore, the Assam State has a fear psychosis 600 that Assam alone cannot tame this river.
If this river is to be tamed, it must be tamed by the 620 cooperation, help and assistance of the Government of India. If the Government of India alone is not able to tame 640 this river, the turbulent Brahmaputra, then probably we may have to take the help and assistance of other international agencies. 660
I am very sorry to mention here that Dr. K.L. Rao, while he was a Minister during the tenure 680 of the late Smt. Indira Gandhi, was asked to study the flood situation in China. On coming back, he mentioned 700 in Parliament that the flood situation can be resolved through the help of the manpower and unfortunately, the ace had 720 fallen upon him.
In our country, we have 95 crores of people. We can resolve this problem by our 740 own science and technology. It cannot be resolved by the borrowed science and technology. That is why, my urgent request 760 to the Government of India through the Hon’ble Deputy Speaker is that we should develop our own indigenous science and 780 technology.