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Essay on “Democracy and India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Democracy and India Etymologically, the word democracy has a bad flavour about it. It means the rule of the mob and the mob is ignorant and wayward. But in the modern context, it is the most widely accepted form of government. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, it means government of the people, by the people, and for the people. In simple parlance, democracy means that the people have self-rule....
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Essay on “Vocational Education ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Vocational Education   What is our usual idea of an educated person? It is that he must have read many books and read them intelligently. We may laugh over the super-subtleties or we may scoff at the book worm pouring over voluminous books–but that is our idea of an educated person or used to be. Of late, background and aptitude count. Vocational education has many advantages. It helps a person choose his...
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Essay on “High Prices and Their Effects” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  High Prices and Their Effects   The money market is a strange circle. It seems difficult to say when it works properly. Looking back, in the thirties-some 12 years after the first World War–prices were very low and business was dull. It seemed to be a bad time for traders. Bernard Shaw once said that when profits from peacetime business are low, merchants raise a hue and cry and consciously...
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Essay on “The Twelfth Lok Sabha Elections” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  THE TWELFTH LOK SABHA ELECTIONS   The Lok Sabha elections was marked by a fundamental change in electoral politics of India. For the first time since independence a new government led by BJP and allies was formed. Hung Parliament and coalition government has come to stay as the remarkable feature of Indian politics. The question of political stability and the need for change were the main issues in the election...
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Shorthand Dictation 80 Words per minute “ Indo-Pak Relation ” , Test 10 Minutes with 10 Minutes Audio Dictation, Shorthand Outline and Text Matter. Test 1

  I would like to draw attention of / Government and the House to another matter. After the integration of Cooch- Behar, there has been a number of small / pockets – they have been called enclaves –some of which are surrounded by Indian territory but belong to Pakistan and some / surrounded by Pakistan territory but belong to India. Something has to be done about these pockets. It is nearly...
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Shorthand Dictation 80 Words per minute “ Plantation Bill” , Test 5 Minutes with 5 Minutes Audio Dictation, Shorthand Outline and Text Matter. Test 28

Play Audio Script Mr.Vice Chairman. Sir , I would like to speak on this Bill in the interest of the rapid economical growth /in the country. If the nation grows from strength to strength economically leading to ERADICATION of the degrading and disheartening poverty of the people of India, the workers of this nation would also benefit and they would also go above/ the poverty line.           Sir, I would like...
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Shorthand Dictation 80 Words per minute “ Plantation” , Test 5 Minutes with 5 Minutes Audio Dictation, Shorthand Outline and Text Matter. Test 26

  Play Audio Script Mr.Vice-Chairman, Sir, the Plantations Labour Bill, 2003, was introduced in the Rajya Sabha on/the 6th March, 2003/. Then, it was referred to a Joint Committee of both the House/ and this Joint Committee submitted its report in 2005.  Now, we are discussing this Bill today/ after six years of the submission of the report by the Joint Committee.  Hence, the Bill would not be able to/ deal...
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