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Science Project on “Heat Retaining Bricks”, Project Experiment Topics on Environmental Science for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students.

Heat Retaining Bricks Materials Required: Soil Water Bowl A large mixing spoon Straw or dry grass Two thermometers Many people live in houses made of wood. In South-western United States and in Mexico, where there are not many trees, people build houses made of mud bricks called Adobe. Even the ancient Babylonians and Egyptians, who lived in treeless desert areas, used Adobe bricks. These bricks were made of sand clay, water...
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Science Project on “Recycling”, Project Experiment Topics on Environmental Science for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students.

Recycling Materials Required: Empty boxes (cereal, noodles, sugar, cracker etc.) Paper and pencil Many companies use recycled cardboard and papers to package their products these days. The recycled boxes have symbols on them indicating they are recyclable. The boxes which have been recycled are grey in colour on the inside as compared to the non-recycled boxes. Collect various food boxes, such as cereal, noodles, sugar, cracker, pet food. Write the product...
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Science Project on “Conserving Fossil Fuels”, Project Experiment Topics on Environmental Science for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students.

Conserving Fossil Fuels Materials Required: Paper and Pencil Ever wondered why people burn items like coal, oil and natural gas? These elements contain a sort of energy in them, which is released, when they are burnt and this energy is later used by the people for their various activities. This sort of energy is called “fossil fuel” and it is basically the remains of animal life and vegetation, that contain energy...
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Science Project on “Hanging in Mid-Air”, Project Experiment Topics on Energy in Different Forms for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students.

Hanging in Mid-Air Materials Required: A hair dryer Several hardbound books A ping-pang ball Stiff cardboard of about 5-6 inches A square A table Though it might look like magic to suspend a ping-pong ball in mid-air, actually it’s far from that. The secret that you may think belongs to this magic trick is balancing air push and pressure. Place a hair dryer on a table, point it in such a...
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Science Project on “Waves of Energy”, Project Experiment Topics on Energy in Different Forms for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students.

Waves of Energy Materials Required: Stiff paper Thread Pencils Modelling clay String Scissors Quart milk cartons Adhesive tape Just like waves break on the sea-shore, similarly energy waves, like sound waves and radio waves too flow in a similar way. We all know that a wave rises and then falls. The part of the wave’s movement, where it reaches the highest point, is known as its “crest” and the lowest portion...
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Science Project on “Transporting Energy”, Project Experiment Topics on Energy in Different Forms for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students.

Transporting Energy Materials Required: Miniature 6-volt hobby lamps Lamp sockets Hookup wire Jumper leads with alligator clip ends Six-volt lantern battery with spring top connectors Modelling clay Ice-cream bar flat sticks Glue or adhesive tapes Toy-buildings Scissors Screwdrivers The electricity that burns the lamps at home is the result of energy changing forms several times, as it is being transferred to the end use from a great distance. There are several...
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Science Project on “Transfer of Energy”, Project Experiment Topics on Energy in Different Forms for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students.

Transfer of Energy Materials Required: Two small-sized brick cartons An old bucket An old shirt Sand Water Liquid white glue A tablespoon Two pencils Two thermometers Cardboard measuring around one square foot Scissors A stick Paper A watch Heat energy is transitional i.e. it can be moved through an object, or transferred from one object to another. To carry out the experiment, place two empty, pint-sized milk cartons on the side,...
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Science Project on “Storing Electrical Energy”, Project Experiment Topics on Energy in Different Forms for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students.

Storing Electrical Energy Materials Required: 470 micro farad, 350-volt capacitor Two-volt T1 size, light-emitting diode (LED) Two “D” cell batteries Two insulated jumper leads, with alligator clips on both ends Modelling clay Components that perform various tasks in an electronic circuit are known as Capacitors, in electronics. They also store electricity temporarily. Capacitors have to be charged up with electricity, unlike the case of batteries. With the help of your modelling...
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