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Paragraph on “How can trains run underground and climb mountains?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

How can trains run underground and climb mountains?   In big cities there is often no room for railway tracks. Trains go either under or over the roads. The ‘tube’ trains in London run as much as 67 m (220 ft) deep. Whole stations are hollowed out under the surface. In New York the subway sometimes runs under-ground and sometimes on stilts over the road. When main railway lines have to...
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Paragraph on “Who built the first railway?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Who built the first railway? In 1803 Richard Trevithick, a Cornishman, used a steam locomotive to pull coal wagons on a special track. This was the first time an engine, instead of horses, had been used for this. The first passenger railway in Europe was the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. This opened in 1830. It used a steam engine built by George Stephenson called the ‘Rocket’. In the USA the Baltimore...
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Paragraph on “Why were silkworms smuggled to Constantinople?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Why were silkworms smuggled to Constantinople? Silk had long been prized as the most valuable of al materials – it was literally worth weight in gold when the Byzantine Emperor Justinian, (AD 483 AD 565), set up a weaving industry in his capital city of Constantinople. Raw silk was always imported from China, where, for countless centuries, the art of producing silk was a closely guarded secret. However, Justinian persuaded two...
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Paragraph on “When did wool first become widely used?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

When did wool first become widely used?   Ever since the days of Ancient Greece, wool has played a very important part in clothing. Roman togas were made of wool and it continued to be woven during the Dark Ages. In fact, it was the only material available to most people. The woollen clothes worn during the first half of the Middle Ages were simple and made for warmth. Houses and...
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Paragraph on “Who wove the finest linen in the Ancient World?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Who wove the finest linen in the Ancient World?   The ancient Egyptians grew an enormous amount of flax which was then spun and woven into linen. Linen is strong and cool and smooth to wear, and Egyptian linen was incredibly fine, sometimes almost trans-parent. This fine weaving has never been matched, even with the advanced machines used in textile mills today. It was the quality of material that distinguished the...
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Paragraph on “When did man first wear clothes?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

When did man first wear clothes?   Look at the clothes you are wearing, you will ‘ find that they are made of a great variety of fabrics. We are fortunate that they are all available, imagine what it must have been like with nothing to protect you from the bitterest weather! We do not know when man first wore clothes, but large numbers of flint scrapers found in Old Stone...
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Paragraph on “What other kinds of energy can we use?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

What other kinds of energy can we use? You have seen in the previous question the stages through which the Sun’s energy passes before we can tap it as the fossil fuel, petrol. It has taken millions of years for the world’s reserves of oil to be built up and we have consumed much of it in a few decades. We need energy in our homes and in industry and for...
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