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Write a letter to the Station Master complaining about a case of overcharging of fare.

Write a letter to the Station Master complaining about a case of overcharging of fare. 1 June 1998. To   The Station Master Shimla Railway Station Shimla Sub: Over-charging of fare. Dear Sir, I wish to highlight through this letter, a deliberate and unjustifiable case of over-charging by your staff on the ticket I bought for my journey from ‘Kalka Railway Station’ to ‘Shimla Railway Station’ on the morning of 31...
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Write a letter to your Member of Parliament requesting his help in altering the timings of trains passing through your town.

Write a letter to your Member of Parliament requesting his help in altering the timings of trains passing through your town. 1 November 2005 To The Mr Rahul Mittal Honourable Member of Parliament Lok Sabha New Delhi. Sub:- Request to alter train timings. Dear Sir, As a resident of your constituency, I commend you for the good work you are doing for it. Being a travelling salesman, I am particularly appreciative...
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Write a letter to the librarian of a university seeking permission to use its library for reference.

Write a letter to the librarian of a university seeking permission to use its library for reference. 1 November 2007 To   The Chief Librarian Central Library Panjab University University Chandigarh. Sub: Permission to use the Reference Library. Dear Sir, I am a practicing lawyer aged thirty-five, with a lively interest in human studies, focused on lifestyles and behavioral tendencies, and on how these characteristics relate to modern societies. I plan...
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Write a letter to the Bank Manager to inform him about a mistake made while depositing a cheque and to request him to rectify the mistake.

Write a letter to the Bank Manager to inform him about a mistake made while depositing a cheque and to request him to rectify the mistake. 1 November 2006. To   The Bank Manager ABC Bank Ltd XYZ Branch Calcutta Dear Sir, I am the holder of a Savings Bank account in your branch. Recently. owing to an oversight caused while depositing a cheque into my account, I mentioned the account...
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Write a letter to your friend overseas to inform him about your brother’s marriage.

Write a letter to your friend overseas, to inform him about your brother’s marriage. Navi Mumbai 1 November 2005. My dear Pramod, After a long time since we met last, I have occasion to write to you. My brother’s marriage, after several attempts at ‘match-making’, has been fixed. The girl, who is a postgraduate, is employed by the LIC of India and is based in Pune. Her family hails from our...
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Write a critical letter to a columnist who writes on English usage about the unsatisfactory standard of some of her articles

Write a critical letter to a columnist who writes on English usage about the unsatisfactory standard of some of her articles 1 November 2003 To Ms. Aruna Chandra C/o ‘The Daily Review’ Newspaper New Delhi. Dear Madam, I refer to your column on English usage which appears regularly in the ‘P” newspaper. While I appreciate your efforts to educate interested readers on the nuances of the English language, I am unable...
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Write a Letter to a newspaper complaining about the poor quality of some of its articles.

Write a Letter to a newspaper complaining about the poor quality of some of its articles. 1 November 2002 To   The Editor X’ Times Mumbai. Dear Sir, I am a regular reader of your renowned newspaper, having a sincere appreciation for the manner in which you treat the vast variety of subjects of common interest that you deal with. But, while I commend your widespread and balanced coverage of issues,...
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Letter to the Editor of a newspaper on the issue of beggar menace.

Letter to the Editor of a newspaper on the issue of beggar menace. 1 November 1998 The Editor “The Hindu”  Chennai. Dear Sir, I seek an opportunity through the columns of your renowned newspaper, to express my opinions on the rapidly increasing beggar population, which is causing great inconvenience to the city’s general public. It is an irritating paradox that, as the city prospers and progresses, the numbers of its beggars...
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