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Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “Man’s interest in sea exploration” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Fully Solved Precis Exercise There is no doubt that people are growing more and more interested in the seas, and that there is a great need for that interest. Men have long tried to probe the secrets of the oceans to gain knowledge for its own sake, but there are other practical reasons for doing so. The sea can provide us with many things that we need in everyday life. Future...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “Advertisement and material civilisation” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Fully Solved Precis Exercise As material civilisation advances and the supply of available goods and services increases, man’s needs correspondingly, multiply. Advertising plays a key role in this never—ending process by stimulating the public’s desire for certain products, and thereby promoting the sales thereof, until it has, in effect, created new needs, real or supposed, where there were none before. A familiar example is the motor car —once a rare and...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “Village and Town life” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Fully Solved Precis Exercise I vividly recall my first visit, as a boy of twelve, to a big town. I had hardly been outside the confines of the village where I was born and I had met and talked to no more than a few hundred people; but those few hundred I knew very well. Of course, we did sometimes meet a strange face but visitors from the outside world, whose...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “Specialization in modern age” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Fully Solved Precis Exercise A hundred—years ago there was much less specialization in work than there is today. One furniture—maker would make the whole of a table—indeed, perhaps, all the furniture needed to furnish a house, and he worked in a simple workshop, probably entirely with hand tools. The furniture he made was very good and very beautiful, but it would take him a long time to make it. The output...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “Power and Man’s needs” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Fully Solved “Precis” Exercise For all industrial development we need power and the ultimate restriction on power is the fuel from which it is extracted. Is there enough fuel to satisfy our ever—growing hunger for power? For conventional fuels such as wood, coal, oil, the answer is quite clearly no. The world’s known stock of oil is only sufficient to last sixty years at the present rate of consumption and the...
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What is “Precis Writing”, Hints for Writing a Good Precis for Students of Class 9, 10, 11, 12 Examination.

Precis Writing
Art of Precis Writing There is a great importance attached to the art of precis writing in the modern age. Precis writing, in one form or the other, is a part of the daily job of the officials in both public and private organisations. It is for this reason that candidates for recruitment to almost all types of services are now-a-days required to do Precis-writing in the General English Paper. It...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “What Made The British Conquer India?” Complete Paragraph, Speech for Classes 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

What Made The British Conquer India? “British came to India merely as humble traders but either the misfortune of Indians or the fortune of the British they became the ruler and ruled this vast country for centuries very successfully brilliantly.” It is indeed a Herculean task to sum up the circumstances, reasons, causes, godly favours and other facts which made the traders the despotic rulers.  Some historians is of the view...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy” Complete Paragraph, Speech for Classes 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy Jallianwala Bagh Massacre is a cardinal incident in the history of Punjab. It occurred on 13th April, 1919 A.D. on the day of Baisakhi Festival. It is such unforgettable tragedy which would be remembered for ever in Punjab. This incident created feeling of hat redness against the British Government among Indians. It was much because of this tragedy that Gandhiji initiated the Non-co-operation movement to extract the British...
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