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Essay on “Management of Water” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Management of Water

Essay No. 01

It is a pity that the real value of water is not realized. so much water is wasted. Indeed, we have no civic sense and so much water goes down the drain when we keep the taps running even when we are not using water.

God is so kind to us. He has given us so much water whether when we deserve it or not. When it rains, tons of water flows down to the seas and oceans through the water channels as we fail to harness it. It is of paramount importance that we should build dams, tanks, and reservoirs to store water for the lean summer season when water is scarce even in rivers and canals.

We need water for drinking, bathing washing, and irrigational purposes. So, we must utilize it properly without wasting it.

It is something deplorable that even more than 55 years after independence still people in several villages and slum areas do not get pure and enough drinking water.

We’ll have to take some urgent measures in regard to the management of water as the underground water-table in many states, particularly northern states, is falling sharply. If we fail to adopter a viable policy regarding water, we may have to fight disputes and battles for water.

Essay No. 02

Water Management

In India, pure drinking water is a big problem. Our rivers, lakes, canals, and wells have all got polluted. In certain regions of some states such as Rajasthan and Gujarat, drinking water is not easily available. Here poor womenfolk have to travel many miles daily to go to some source and bring water from there in vessels on their heads. Evert in certain cities such as Chennai, the availability of water sometimes becomes a problem.

Even after having made great progress in science and technology, Indian farmers still have to depend on the wishes of the rain-god to a great extent. The reckless cutting down of trees and some other factors have scared away clouds from certain regions of north India. Punjab, Haryana, and western parts of Uttar Pradesh are sometimes suspected to be getting converted to deserts while droughts are common in states like Gujarat and Orissa. There is a great necessity for a powerful water management authority at the national level. Global warming is also ominous because of the unpredictable aberrations in the atmosphere being caused by it. India witnessed this factor when there was an unprecedented rain in a single day in July 2005 in Mumbai and in October-November the same year in Chennai. The excessive melting of snow on the Himalayas and the Alps is causing large amounts of water to get driven away to the oceans by the livers. This phenomenon has the seeds for future doom for the coastlines in several countries.

It is essential that forests should be maintained and even new plants have grown more to ensure regular rain and avoidance of floods, soil erosion, and other related problems. Harvesting of rain is of utmost importance. It is because most of the rainwater just goes down the drain for lack of proper utility management.

Water is required for irrigational and bathing purposes besides for drinking purposes. New irrigational methods such as drip systems and others should be utilized to check wastage of water. Steps should be taken for recycling wastewater for useful purposes, including drinking, irrigation, washing, bathing, etc. It is important to be water conscious. For example, when we don’t need water stored for drinking purposes in a bucket, water bottle, etc; we can use it for bathing, washing utensils, or clothes or we can water our garden plants with it.

Useful steps can be taken for ensuring a regular supply of safe and pure water in urban and rural areas. There can be different steps for hilly and desert areas. Water is also used for producing hydraulic power. In this form, it is a kind of renewable energy that can be produced on a large scale wisely by applying scientific technology. Soil conservation and water management are closely related to each other. The embankments of rivers and canals have to be made strong to avoid overflow of water.


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