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Essay on “Ashoka” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.


Ashoka-The Great


          Indian history reveals the heroic deeds of great men. One bright star of Indian history was the first emperor to follow the principles of Ahimsa, love and Peace. My hero is none other than the Emperor Ashoka- The Great.

          The grandson of Chandragupta and the son of Bindusar. Ashoka was brought up in Patliputra. In 273 BC he ascended the throne of the Mauryan Empire founded by Chandragupta. With a desire to expand his kingdom and unite India under his only rule. He began his conquests winning each war like a brave soldier. The Kalinga war in 261 BC changed him completely, Seeing the great loss of lives and wealth he pledged never to wage war in future. The main factor that changed his heart was the self immolation of a dancing woman from Kalinga was died fighting for him.

          He worked for the welfare of his subjects. He made New laws, appointed ministers and made justice common for all the sections of the society. All the social services were provided to the people. The improvement of roads and construction of shelter homes for the travelers led to the development of trade. In order to prevent cruelty to animals he banned animal slaughter throughout his kingdom. He devoted his life to the service to humanity and their well being.

          Art and sculpture also flourished under his rule. Even today. The Stupas at Gaya, Sarnath and Sanchi reflects his fine taste of architecture. The Ashok Chakra and the Lions of the iron pillar hold their importance in our national flag and stamps. These two symbols always remind us of Ashoka’s greatness.

          Ashoka was a man of high learning. He had a strong character. He maintained friendly relations with the neighboring kingdoms. He was the most respected Emperor who won the hearts of all his subjects. He really was “The Great”.


Essay No. 2

King Ashoka

There had been many kings in history but some selected are remembered. One of them in Ashoka. Ashoka was more saint than a ruler. His amen desire was to make his subjects virtuous, noble, wise and good. he was a great king. He tried to have a political unity through Dharma.

Ashoka became a monk in his old age. But he did not leave the throne. He continued to do the duties of the  king. He worked for religion as well as government. He died in 232 B.C.

Ashoka was really a very great king. He taught “Ahimsa” and piety to the people. He believed that war could not bring peace. He knew the people. He believed that war could not taught kindness to men and animals. These qualities place him much above others.

Kalinga was a small state on the east coast of India. When Ashoka became king , he wanted to conquer it. So he attacked it. In this war thousands of men were killed. Many were made prisoners. Such things are common in war. But Ashoka did not like them. His heart was filled with sorrow. He promised to fight no more. He embraced Buddhism, Kalinga War was his last war. Since then he began to follow the path of peace and goodness” he wanted to win men by goodness and not by war.

He was a kind ruler. All his time was spent in thinking of the welfare of his subjects. He himself attended to even the minutest details of his administration.  His one desire was to make his subjects happy. His subjects could meet him at any time and in any place. No place, not even his private palace , was forbidden to them. He had trees planted on either side of the roads; he had wells dug on the road- side; he had rest – houses and hospitals built for both men and animals. He , therefore , came to be known as Ashoka the Good. he was a wise and righteous ruler and was truly called the Father of his People.

Ashoka waged only one war early in his reign. He saw the horror of it; he vowed never to go to war again. He said, “ I have seen the horror of victory. I shall not draw the sword again expect to defend my country against invasion. My dreams are broken and dead, but today I begin a new dream. Instead of battle, I will give my people safety; instead of war , I will give them peace.”  And he kept his vow. His reign was a reign of peace. He gave his people lasting peace and made such laws for them as were just , wise and fair.

Ashoka believed  in “ Ahimsa”. He ordered the animals should not be killed. He made hospitals for them. He wanted his subjects to become religious and holy. He appointed some officers. They taught the people to do good deeds.

Ashoka tried to spread Buddhism in and out of India. He sent out missionaries. They went to Greece, Syria, Egypt, Tibet and Ceylon. It is said that one such mission went to Great Britain. To Ceylon went his brother, Mahendra and sister, Sanghmitra.

Ashoks’s name will live till the world lasts. We cannot forget this great ruler. Free India has its own flag. We have his ‘Chakra’ on our national flag. This is the Dharma Chakra of Ashoka’s lion capital at Saranath. What  a great tribute to the memory of this great king!  


Essay No. 03 


Ashoka – The Great

One of the greatest rulers of India’s history is Ashoka. He was born in the year 304 B.C. After the death of his father, Ashoka became the king of Pataliputra. He was a very good king.

Ashoka had already gained experience of administration during his father’s rule. Eight years after he took his throne, Ashoka’s powerful armies attacked and conquered Kalinga.

Although he had conquered many other places, this violent war was the last war he ever fought and a turning point of his career. He was disgusted by the extreme deaths of numerous civilians, especially the Brahmans.

In the nineteenth century, a large number of edicts written in Brahmi script carved on rocks and stone pillars were discovered in India, proving the existence of Ashoka.

Ashoka died in the thirty-eighth year of his reign, 232 B.C. The Buddhist ideas no longer inspire the government and at the same time, his descendents quarrel over the successions.

In less than fifty years after his death, the Maurya Empire collapsed and fell into pieces.


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