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Essay on “Jesus Christ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Jesus Christ

Essay No. 01

In the olden times Jewish priests were very wicked. Their holy book said that people should hate their enemies. At that time a brilliant child was born in the family of a carpenter in the village Nazareth. His mother’s name was Mary. When he was twelve year old his knowledge about God was more than the priests. At the age of 20 , he went in a jungle and kept fast for forty days and discovered the true path of life.


He returned home and began to teach people that one should shed hatred and love their enemies. The most important lesson he taught to the people of the village waxes “Do to others only those things you would like them to do to you.”

He told the people that the world had grown wicked But God is kind enough to forgive everyone who felt sorry for his mistakes and confess them. He became very famous and thousands of people flocked to listen to him from far off places.


The priests of the Jews feared to lose their power so they began to hate Jesus and even started planning to kill him. On their complaint Roman governor told them that he had no reason to arrest him. The Jewish priests conspired and bribed Jesus’ friend Judas to capture him. The Jewish priests conspired and bribed Jesus’ they produced him before Governor he didn’t find any fault with Jesus. The Governor was compelled to order for his crucifixion as Jesus said nothing in his self defence.


Thus the lighting figure sacrificed his life for the sins of mankind.


Essay No. 02


Jesus Christ


Israel : Founder of Christianity

Birth :4 B.C.      Death : 33 A.D.

Jesus Christ founded Christianity which of all religions today has the largest following in the world. He was one of the greatest human beings in history who showed love and sought pardon even for his enemies who were responsible for his death. Jesus was an embodiment of love and sacrifice and he gave the message of peace, brotherhood and humanity which are still guiding millions of people all over the world. Jesus lived a simple and humble life. When he grew up, he started preaching about the Kingdom of God. Jesus soon had a large following. He also performed certain miracles—healed the sick and brought back to life the dead. The teachings of Christ, in the form of sayings and parables, are collected in the New Testament of the Bible. Also contained in the New Testament is the narrative of doings of Jesus Christ and the events of his life in a historical sequence.

Jesus Christ was born in 4 B.C. (according to new researches) in I

Bethlehem, near Jerusalem. His father Joseph and mother Mary were I very poor. Jesus as a child, took keen interest in religious discussions. Jesus also studied Hebrew scriptures. When he turned thirty, he gave up his hereditary profession of a carpenter and set out to preach his religious ideas. The new religion that he preached was rooted in humanity and universal brotherhood, but was not in conformity with the traditional Pilate, Christ was crucified on Mount Calvary (Jerusalem). The crucifixion doctrines. With the approval of the then Roman governor, fixion of Jesus Christ is observed by Christians as Good Friday every year. When Jesus was put on the cross he uttered the following words ”  O father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” This shows that Christ’s heart abounded with love even for his worst enemies. It is said that Jesus was resurrected three days after his crucifixion.

Jesus Christ was indeed a great path-finder of mankind and 32 Christians believe him to be the Son of God.





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  1. leeza masih says:

    Briliant … I..m very happy … To read it

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