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Essay on “The Kargil war” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Kargil war

 Essay No. 01

       Synopsis:  Pakistan’s hostility towards Ian has been long and without any inconvenience rhymes or reasons.  Its brinkmanship and proxy war reflect a deep-route malaise in the psyche of its rulers.  They play communal card and sponsor Terrorism across the border tine Ina to serve their vested interests.  This denial of critical technology to India by vested interest and foreign powers can be really a blessing in disguise.  For example, the super-computer developed nub Indian scientists were 20 times faster than the Cray Supercomputer, the technology for which was denied to the nation by America in 1982-83.

            LCA can turn around 20 degrees per second and carry the load up to 4,000 kg. It can be equipped with laser-guided bombs, radar, guided missiles, anti-ship missiles and cluster bomb dispensers.  The induction of LCA has been advanced by 2 to 3 years and is likely to be an integral part of the LAF by the year 2002.

            The development of LCA has may spin offs as well, namely, development of adncaced materials, like carbon composites, platinum and titanium which could find direct application in bio medical and sports goods manufacture, while avionic system can be extended to remote sensing and cancer detection, and computer aided designing.

            Interception is also added by 2 medium range air-to-air missiles capable of shooting down and enemy aircraft.  These medium range air-to-air missiles on LCA WILL HAVE a RANGE OF AT LEAST 60 km. The DRDO is working on the Astra, an indigenously developed air-rot-air missile for LCA.  The LCA can also be boarded with short range air-to-air missiles of combat purpose. The LCA can provide very effective strafing at a high rate by guns on enemy infantry troops.

            Men and women who make these researches, studies, discoveries and unravel mysteries are scientists.  They are integral part of the society collectively and individually. Society with its well established law and order, facilities for research, analysis, observation, experiments etc. helps them to conduct their explorations and discovers in the unknown.  Without a society no scientific research and development are possible.  The growth and development in science and technology are in direct relation and proportion to the development and growth of society The more developed and advanced a society is, the better the conditions and facilities for research in higher areas of knowledge and learning there are. In their turn the scientists have theri9 social obligations and commitments to see that they contribute generously in the improvement of quality of life.  

            In modern India there have been many great champions of science and advocates of scientific thinking who paid their wholehearted homage at the shrine of pure knowledge.  But pt. Nehru stands above them all beaus the strove hard throughout his life as a man, leader and the first Prime Minister of India to inculcate the scientific temper among the Indian populace.  Once in an opening ceremony speaking on the spirit of Science, he said,”Science teaches us new ways of doing things. Perhaps, it improves our conditions of industrial life but the basic things that science should do is to teach us to think straight, to act straight and not to be afraid of discarding anything or of accepting anything provided there are sufficient reasons for doing so.

            ISI and armed forces in Pakistan are very powerful and the Pakistani Prime Minster dies not have effective control over them.  On the contrary, Pak P.M. is at their bidding.  Pakistani generals and the top brass at ISI are never happy to see India and Pakistan at negotiation able because t goes against their vested interests.  They feel alarmed whenever there is any purposeful dialogue between the two countries. Now and again, on such occasions, they try to create trouble on the border to make the impression that India is not genuinely interested in the peace process and is clocking the further progress in the matter. 

            Of late there has been much improvement in Indo-US relations and consequently, Ian has become more and more foreign policy priority for Washington.  The White House seems to have corrected its earliest till in favor of Islamabad. Pakistan’s failure to raise the Kashmir issue in world forums and India’s strong possibility to get a permanent seat in the UN Security Council has further complicated the matters for Pakistan. 

            This proxy war, brinkmanship and misadventure on the part of Pakistan are likely to continue for some more time in the present because Pakistan wants to send and push in infiltrators into the valley before the heavy snow begins to fall on the hills and the winter sets in.  They want to push in as many militants and mercenaries as they can in Jimmy and Kashmir to carry out their terrorist activates.  This is the only time when it can be done becks soon the heavy snowfall will cloaks the mountain passes.

            The war still continues.   The Kargil conflict has no ended.  It was followed by hijacking of India Airbus to Kandahar powerful and the Pakistani Prime Minster dies not have effective control over them.  On the contrary, Pak P.M. is at their bidding.  Pakistani generals and the top brass at ISI are never happy to see India and Pakistan at negotiation able because t goes against their vested interests.  They feel alarmed whenever there is any purposeful dialogue between the two countries. Now and again, on such occasions, they try to create trouble on the border to make the impression that India is not genuinely interested in the peace process and is clocking the further progress in the matter, but in Pakistan’s case it does so repeatedly.


Essay No. 02



The Kargil War 

The Kargil debacle of the year 2000 has been an eye opener for India it has been as if an awakening call for the armed forces of India and a call for stem action from the Government of India.

The relations of India and its neighbour Pakistan have never since the inception of Pakistan been cordial. However, the Kargil episode can be termed as ”the last straw on the camel’s back”. It is believed that, when the Indian Prime Minister was extending his hand of friendship to the Pakistan Prime Minister, Mr. Nawaz Sharif, almost simultaneously the plans of the Kargil onslaught were being finalised. Is this from any stretch of imagination accord, a healthy meeting of two heads of two states or, is it a clear cut stabbing at the back of India? As a layman reads of this unwarranted situation he can analyse for himself the real relationship between India and Pakistan.

On the peaks of Kargil, an India-Pakistan border area, Pakistan had set itself in a very comfortably strategic position, targeting all that was Indian, on the ground level. Being on a height, the Pakistani forces could destroy everything that it would see on the road underneath. With this advantageous position, Pakistan was sure to score against India who, though caught napping and unawares took up the cudgels as soon and as well as possible. The Indian Air Force came to the country’s rescue and from the height of the skies only, hit hard at the Pakistani forces. This is because it was only from the height of the skies could the height of the Kargil peaks be encountered.

This mini war lasted for a few weeks and as is usual with any battle or war both sides lost men and material. However, the most important message that India could get from this war was that, India can never and should never trust Pakistan its closest neighbour. For what could be a worse onslaught than attacking India while India was busy planning a deep and lasting friendship, through none other than the Indian Prime Minister. This episode has definitely awakened India to some blatant facts about the relationship of India with Pakistan. Firstly, it tells India that it needs to be more cautious with Pakistan. Even regarding trust which one neighbour should have in the other neighbour, India should take it with a pinch of salt and, never yes never trust what is being done or said. This is no bias as people may feel but, it is a lesson learnt from the unsavoury facts about the relationship. Besides, at this point of time, it is also very important for India to realise that, one sided relationships do not last for long. Unless Pakistan also feels the need for friendship with India, it is no use only for India to try making continuous efforts in bringing the gap between the two ways of behaviours. India trying to let bygones be bygones and try to be friendly only depicts that, India is a weakling and is trying for selfish interests in the friendship with Pakistan. Unless both extend their hands and both mean it, the attempt of India will always be futile. No one can force any friendship on any one, and least of all on a permanently hostile individual. 

The only way out, in my view is to take the facts as they stand, and realise that we have a neighbour who does not like us at all. Yes, attempts can continue to bring round the neighbour, but not to such an extent that we appear to be weak and soft targets all the time. We must, all the time remain alert and careful, and meticulously cautious. After the Kargil drama we learn that, the enemy has no qualms about how, when and why to hit India his target is only to hit. The final and only word is Caution.


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