Home » Paragraph Writing » Paragraph on “Who is involved in the production of a play?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Paragraph on “Who is involved in the production of a play?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Who is involved in the production of a play?

When you have been to the theatre, have you ever thought of all the people who are involved in the production of a play? You have seen the actors, sometimes in superb costumes, acting on the stage in a blaze of lights, but have you ever thought of all the people backstage who make this possible?

Let us suppose that you have written a play. The first thing that must be done is to find someone who has sufficient faith in your play to risk financing its production. These people are quite often called impresarios, and some-times they own the theatres where the play is to be performed. The producer can also take part in the initial financing, and he keeps the day-to-day financial control of the production, telling the director exactly how much money he can spend.

The director is one of the most important people in the play’s production. He chooses the actors and has overall artistic control of the play. Working closely with the stage designer, they plan the scenery and the costumes for the actors, and this closely reflects the director’s individual interpretation of the Play. Once the casting has been completed, the play goes into rehearsal. Here the director helps actors to tailor their performances to his idea of the play. Rehearsal times can vary but it usually takes a month to six weeks for a production to be completed.

When he is not rehearsing his actors, the director must consult electricians about lighting, scene painters and carpenters about the sets, and make sure that the stage manager knows exactly what props are needed for each scene in the play.

With the opening night approaching, everything gets very hectic. The wardrobe mistress makes last minute adjustments to the costumes. There are lighting rehearsals and understudy rehearsals, and finally, dress rehearsals which make sure that everything is ready for the all important first night.

We have just talked about all the people involved backstage — but there are also other departments such as publicity, the box office and the usherettes!


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