10 Lines on “A House On Fire” English Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students.
10 Lines – A House On Fire
1. It was amid-night. It was the month of June. I heard a loud confused noise.
2. I had hardly slept for half an hour when I was awakened by the noise. I opened my windows to hear of what was it about.
3. I woke up my father and came out of the house to find out what had happened.
4. I saw rising smoke a block away from my house. A house was on fire. Soon it turned into blazes.
5. Within minutes fire engines arrived and set to work at once.
6. Crowds of people were watching the house on fire. The inmates were terror-stricken.
7. Two ladies and children were crying. Some ladies of the neighbourghood were holding them.
8. Within half an hour the fire was brought under control. Many things had turned into ash. Iron boxes got twisted.
9. Nothing could be saved except the lives of the inmates.
10. Property worth lakhs had been burnt. The cause of the fire could not be known.