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Shorthand Stenography Online Course Chapter 12 “Joining of Strokes ”

Joining of Strokes  Now you have practised all the consonants of the Pitman’s system of shorthand. Like other systems of writing, the next step of learning shorthand is the joining of consonant strokes. Joining of consonant is necessary for making the words. Joining of strokes means to write two or more consonant strokes together without lifting the pen or pencil. Rules for Joining of Strokes  The rules for joining strokes are...
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Shorthand Stenography Online Course Chapter 11 “Size of Strokes ”

Size of Strokes  The size or length of the stroke should be approx. 5 mm as shown in the table. Remember that while practicing the consonants you should be very careful about the accuracy and uniformity of the size of the stroke. If the size of the stroke varies, it may put you in a great difficulty later on, when the size of the stroke is reduced to its half and...
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Shorthand Stenography Online Course Chapter 8 “What are the Consonants in Shorthand”

Consonants Introduction In the last lesson you have learnt about the origin of Shorthand, its definition, usefulness of this art, as well as the job opportunities available for a shorthand writer. You have also read about the qualities of a stenographer, sitting posture, techniques for writing shorthand, material required for writing shorthand and the techniques of transcription. Not only in India but in many countries of the world, Pitman system of...
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Shorthand Stenography Online Course Chapter 7 “Some Brief Hints to Speed Writing in Shorthand”

Some Brief Hints to Speed Writing 1. Buy a good fountain pen with a fine and flexible nib. 2. Use good clean ink, preferably blue-black. 3. Buy a good notebook with smooth lined paper. 4. Prepare the page for rapid turning over before beginning to take dictation. 5. Cultivate a small and neat style of shorthand writing. 6. Write lightly, with no digging into the paper. 7. Hold the pen lightly,...
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Shorthand Stenography Online Course Chapter 6 “Transcription Techniques in Shorthand”

Transcription Techniques in Shorthand (i) The notebook and reference papers should be placed adjacent to each other. Omission of words made from dots and dashes in shorthand is often the cause of many failures in examinations. (ii) The notes should not be read too fast. It is advisable to read the whole dictated passage before transcription. (iii) Once the transcription is over, in order to ensure accuracy, the whole transcription should...
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Shorthand Stenography Online Course Chapter 5 “Material Required for Writing Shorthand”

Material Required for Writing Shorthand  For a skilled subject like shorthand, proper choice of material is essential. The list of material and equipment can vary from situation to situation. (a) Pen or Pencil : Any good quality pen with a nib, not too stiff, can be used for writing shorthand. Such a pen should be used exclusively for writing shorthand. In no case a ball point pen should be used for...
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