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Paragraph on “Jupiter-Fastest Spinning Planet” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Jupiter-Fastest Spinning Planet Besides being the largest planet in our system, Jupiter also has the distinction of being the fastest spinning planet. It takes just nine hours and fifty minutes to rotate once on it’s axis. In other words Jupiter has a day of only four hours and fifty five minutes. A unique thing about Jupiter’s rotation is that, since the planet is largely gaseous, different parts of the planet rotate...
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Paragraph on “Life on other Planets” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Life on other Planets It cannot be said with conviction that the Earth is the only planet with any life on it because astronomers and space scientists are still trying to look for life on other planets. From what we know of other planets it is however established that life supporting conditions do not exist on any other planet in our universe. To be able to support life the planet must...
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Paragraph on “Planets and their Moons” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Planets and their Moons There are nine planets and close to sixty known moons in our Solar system. We have one moon with our planet, Mercury and Venus have none, and nearly all the others circle the giant outer planets with 23 moons circling Saturn and 16 around Jupiter. One of the moons called Titan which circles Saturn is 5120 kilometres across in size and is in fact bigger than both...
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Paragraph on “The Weightless Space” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

The Weightless Space On the Earth everything is held on to the ground by the force of gravity, when we try to lift any object we try to counter the force of gravity, it is a result of this force that we feel weight. Out in space a spacecraft is held in orbit because of the Earth’s gravitational pull. The Astronauts within the spaceship don’t have anything holding them down, because...
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Paragraph on “Gravity on the Moon and Its Effects” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Gravity on the Moon and Its Effects   When Neil Armstrong first walked on the Moon’s surface, he did so in leaps and bounds, he found it easy to pick up things since there was a weak counter gravitational force on the Moon. The Moon has a gravity which is one sixth of the Earth’s. As it revolves around the Earth, it’s gravitational field, though weak, produces ‘tides’ in the Earth’s...
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