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English Essay on “Internal Strife in Political Parties” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Internal Strife in Political Parties In India, political parties have often been dogged by internal strifes apart from inner conflicts. Thus, there emerged two groups, the Extremists and the Moderates, within the Indian National Congress before Independence. In the post-Independence period, Congress broke up and the section led by Nijlingappa separated. Indira Gandhi’s Congress became Congress (I). Still later, Sharad Pawar’s Congress (NCP) emerged. In the same way, there appeared fissures...
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English Essay on “Educational Possibilities in India” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Educational Possibilities in India The education system in India is not up to the mark. She occupies a low position among the countries rated on the education for All Index by UNESCO, although some serious efforts are now being made to improve the education system in India. According to the statistics issued by UNESCO, education is not evolving in India. In the modern world, knowledge is doubling every three years. If...
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English Essay on “India’s Nuclear Tests” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

India’s Nuclear Tests India tested the first nuclear device in 1974 at Pokhran in Rajasthan under the premiership of Late Mrs. Indira Gandhi. This issue started a debate whether India has a nuclear power. No Government could say for certainty that India was a nuclear power. Unexpectedly, India conducted a series of five nuclear tests again at `Buddha—Sthar (Pokhran) in Rajasthan. Three nuclear tests were conducted on May 11, 1998 and...
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Essay on “Agricultural Importance” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Agricultural Importance Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy. About 64 percent of the total population is dependent on agriculture. It contributes about 26 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and constitutes about 18 percent of the total value of India’s exports. Agriculture forms the basis of many premier industries including cotton textile, jute and sugar industries. It plays an important role in the economic development of our country. In...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “What Made The British Conquer India?” Complete Paragraph, Speech for Classes 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

What Made The British Conquer India? “British came to India merely as humble traders but either the misfortune of Indians or the fortune of the British they became the ruler and ruled this vast country for centuries very successfully brilliantly.” It is indeed a Herculean task to sum up the circumstances, reasons, causes, godly favours and other facts which made the traders the despotic rulers.  Some historians is of the view...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy” Complete Paragraph, Speech for Classes 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy Jallianwala Bagh Massacre is a cardinal incident in the history of Punjab. It occurred on 13th April, 1919 A.D. on the day of Baisakhi Festival. It is such unforgettable tragedy which would be remembered for ever in Punjab. This incident created feeling of hat redness against the British Government among Indians. It was much because of this tragedy that Gandhiji initiated the Non-co-operation movement to extract the British...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “The Rebellion of 1857 – A Mutiny” Complete Paragraph, Speech for Classes 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

The Rebellion of 1857 – A Mutiny “The Rebellion of 1857 was not pre-planned, it was not engineered by any political party in India or any foreign power hostile to England. It had its origin in sepoy discontent and derived its strength from the wide-spread dissatisfaction among the civil population.” – Dr. S.N. Sen As the years rolled by the political uneasiness in the country reached a crucial stage, when everyone...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “The Legacy of The British Raj” Complete Paragraph, Speech for Classes 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

The Legacy of The British Raj “More than two centuries dominion over a country by any alien power, but natural results in large impact on its social, economic, cultural, legal and political system of the civilization. So India too inherited so many legacies from the British Raj that had far reaching impacts on its art and culture, education, language, legal, political system and economic parameters and so on. The question of...
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