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A Scene of An Earthquake – English Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay on – A Scene of An Earthquake Mysterious are the ways of Nature. Despite all the discoveries and inventions that have been made, one can’t say for sure that man has conquered nature. She surprises us with her strange and sudden actions time and again. Nature has remained supreme and invisible. Nature has provided us all that we need to survive. She nurses us like a mother but we have...
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The Children’s Day – English Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay on – The Children’s Day Children’s Day is celebrated every year on the 14th of November. Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru was born on this day. His birthday is celebrated as Children’s Day. He was the first Prime Minister of India. It was because of his extreme love for children that his birthday is celebrated as ‘Children’s Day’. All over the country, schoolchildren celebrate 14th November with great enthusiasm. They celebrate...
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The Teacher’s Day – English Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay on – The Teacher’s Day In India, Teacher’s day is celebrated on 5th September every year. On this day one of the foremost teachers, Philosopher and great writer was born. This day is celebrated in his honour. Before Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan became the President of India he was a great teacher. In his honour the Government of India has designated the 5th of September as the teacher’s day. All over...
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Books – English Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay on – Books Books are a treasure house of knowledge. They are the best friends and companions of man. They have stood by him in good and bad days. The only best possession of man is books. Books take us to different parts of the world without spending any money on travel. They make us laugh, cry, think and also, they entertain us. There are books on many subjects. They...
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The Menace of Science – English Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay on – The Menace of Science Or The Threat/Danger of Science There is no denying the fact that science has dramatically changed the world around us. It has brought comfort along with destruction into our lives. Science has conquered time and distance, controlled, epidemics, improved the yield of agriculture, and provided accommodation too. On the other hand, it has also produced very potentially destructive weapons. One such example is the...
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The Wonders of Science – English Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay on – The Wonders of Science Today wherever we look we find wonders of science. It has influenced our lives immensely. Electricity, vehicles, aeroplanes, computers, radios and television sets, huge dams, satellites, robots, space stations, trains and innumerable electronic items. All these wonders are manmade marvels. Men of science go on looking for newer ways and mean to provide mankind with more and more equipment to ease their work and...
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If I Were a Millionaire – English Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay on – If I Were a Millionaire ‘Money makes the mare go’ is a famous saying. It is still true today. No one pays heed to a poor man’s words. Whereas a rich man is heard well and with respect. Whatever he does is right. The law thinks twice before passing any sentence against him. People believe that a rich person can’t do anything wrong which is illegal. Who does...
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