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Essay on “Animals too have rights” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Animals too have rights   POINTS TO DEVELOP Importance of animal rights, Humans have overridden everything to satisfy their own needs. Evolution of humans’ relationship with animals. Importance of animals in the ecological Context Humans callously snatch away the rights of animals though ‘human rights’ are considered all important. Refusal to recognize animal rights can be disastrous  To some people, the suggestion of rights for animals might sound too petty to be...
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Essay on “Science and Religion” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Science and Religion Essay No. 01 POINTS TO DEVELOP Apparent gap between science and religion. Examining the connections between science and religion; earliest religions closely knit with observation of natural phenomena. Wrong to view science as only materialism and religion as only spiritualism. Science’s influence on society-good and bad. Religion has come to mean ritual and blind belief Scientific attitude and religious faith need to go hand in hand if humankind...
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Essay on “Science and Literature” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Science and Literature Essay No. 01 POINTS TO DEVELOP Confrontation between science and literature a relatively recent phenomenon. Differences between scientific creativity and literary creativity: scientific creativity is objective, whereas literary creativity is subjective; the value of a scientific product is absolute, that of a literary product is relative. Is science a product of reason only and literature that of imagination? Science and literature do not work at cross –purposes: impact...
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Essay on “Science and Art” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Are Science and Art antithetical to each other? POINTS TO DEVELOP ‘Facts’ are common to both science and art, but the ‘reality’ of the latter different from that of the former. Difference in the matter of ‘accuracy’. Difference in approach or ‘method’. Scientific discoveries have spurred art into new perspectives. Technology’s use in techniques of art. Has scientific Endeavour ‘killed’ the joy of art? Science is not cold reason, and life...
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Essay on “Moral dilemmas inherent in Scientific Progress” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Moral dilemmas inherent in Scientific Progress POINTS TO DEVELOP Scientific advances have been made at a fast rate. Scientific advances in some areas come into conflict with morality and ethics. Cloing and ethics. Other areas where scientific research clashes with moral values. Scientific and technological progress is not to be equated with progress on the whole. Scientific progress a double-edged sword for human-kind. Over  the centuries, humankind has made tremendous progress...
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Essay on “Science is the need of the Day” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Science is the need of the Day POINTS TO DEVELOP What the given statement implies. Science has helped humans to progress both materially and mentally – examples. Mental or spiritual progress, however, is lagging behind material progress. The scientific method and the rational approach it implies. Human inability to adopt the scientific temper as compared to its readiness to accept material changes. Growth of scientific knowledge is so rapid that mental...
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Essay on “The Politics of Information” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Politics of Information POINTS TO DEVELOP Communication explosion marks the beginning of a new era in the history of mankind marked by rising aspirations and new forms of colonial domination. Modern means of communications have had deep impact on ideological struggles. Increased new flow is positively correlated to increase in propaganda war. News flow is controlled by a minuscule group in the West; thus news is colored by the western...
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Essay on “Foreign Media in India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Foreign Media in India: Any Cause for Concern? POINTS TO DEVELOP Economic reforms have opened the gates to foreign investment and entry of foreign companies. So why not media? Objections. Working of foreign electronic media in India. Can they influence Indians detrimentally? What about print media? Measures to liberalise. With India adopting the economic reform programme in the 1990s, foreign companies and establishments have been making their presence felt in the Indian...
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