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Essay on “A School Excursion” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A School Excursion Last Saturday was a very fine day. The sky was overcast. We did not like to read on that day. We requested our teacher to arrange and excursion on a river. He granted our request. We started on our excursion. The river is at a distance of four kilometers from our school. Our worthy teacher decided to go on foot. We all agreed to his proposal. We started ...
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Essay on “Modern Indian Woman” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Modern Indian Woman or Women And National Economy   During the vedic period, women were held in great esteem and were treated as equal with men in every walk of life. No religious  rite sand rituals could be performed without the wife. The women were also given education like men. They enjoyed considerable freedom regarding the choice of their husband. But with the passage of time, they fell off that exalted...
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Essay on “Health Education” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Health Education Health Education means  making people aware of the various practices that must be followed to ensure healthy personal as well as community life. Health education has to create awareness in the community about the prevailing health problems. It should also help the community to discover resources available for solving those problems. For example, health education should  make one aware of the importance of balanced food for maintaining good health....
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Essay on “Distance Education” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Distance Education Essay No. 01 Before ten years Distance Education was not thought a good means of educations because ‘to take degree’ is not the aim of a student. The main base is the real knowledge of that line to be obtained as we find in case of regular classes. But with the progress of science- electronic media- now electronic equipment, the situation has been changed. Through T.V. Educational programmes the...
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Essay on “India in 21 Century” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

India in 21 Century   4 Best Essays on “India in 21st Century”  Essay No. 01 The twentieth century is about to come to its end. We are making preparations for the 21st century which is expected to come after one year. Now it is the right time to think what will be the position of India in the 21st century. We presume that India will surely occupy an important position in...
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Essay on “Tree Plantation Week” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes

Tree Plantation Week Tree Plantation Week is a unique programme which can save the humanity to some extent. This becomes more necessary when we consider the importance of trees in keeping our environment clean. Cutting of trees has added much to the environmental degradation. Rainfall has either refused to oblige or has become scanty, all the institutions – private, public or governmental – have to celebrate several programmes in the rainy...
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Essay on “Democracy And Public Opinion” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes

Democracy And Public Opinion Democracy is that form of government in which the power is exercised by the people. In words of Lincoln, “Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.” In a democracy the supreme power lies with people or citizens exercising it directly or through the representatives elected by  them for a definite period. In democracy the government depends on public opinion. Public...
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Essay on “Disarmament” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Disarmament Disarmament means that the production of deadly war weapons should be stopped. Indian strongly supports disarmament and is opposed to the production of such weapons. U.S.A., China, Russia and many other countries of the world are manufacturing atom-bombs, hydrogen bombs and other destructive weapons of war. This mad race for inventing deadly war weapons can lead to the third world war which might destroy the whole mankind. So at present...
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