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Essay on “Science And War” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Science And War Essay No. 01 “Science has improved the circumstances of man, not the man himself.”- Wingfield Modern war has become a total war. It is not two armies’ war. It is a war by all for total destruction. With advance of science war has become horrible. It brings untold sufferings. It causes death by millions. Old war was fought in the battle field alone. Modern war is fought in...
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Essay on “Science and Peace” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Science and Peace “There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so.” – (Shakespeare) Science is power. It is to be mastered by us ‘Science is bad’, it is wrong. Like every powerful thing, it has the dark and bright side. If it is used in constructive side  , it will help us in removing superstition, in making the world one and in removing diseases. If we use science...
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Essay on “Evils of Science ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Evils of Science  Life today is governed and conditioned by the off shots of Science. We cannot imagine of existence without it. Science has given us knowledge. All knowledge is power. Power should be controlled by mind. Science  has   improved the circumstances of man, not the man himself. The mind of man makes a heaven of hell and hell of heaven. The war weapons were made. Science did not compel us...
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Essay on “National Cadet Corps” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

National Cadet Corps The History of the world is not the history of peace but the history of war. History has proved it more than once that peace is a dream and war is reality. Our ideals of peace and Panch Sheel cannot defend our country. Our country is surrounded by   dangers on all sides. Pakistan’s ill- will and unfriendliness against us is well- known. China has threatened our safety. China...
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Essay on “Student Unrest” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Student Unrest   5 Best Essays on ” Student Unrest” Essay No. 01 Student unrest is one of the problems of the day. The problem, however, cannot be analyzed properly unless we view it in the larger context of general unrest and discontentment in the country. As the things are, there is growing dissatisfaction everywhere. Prices are soaring and the burden of taxation is growing heavier. Corruption is rampant everywhere. Academic...
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Essay on “How can I best serve to My country” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

How can I best serve My country The country evokes feelings of pride and glory in any native, and patriotism has been called the most ennobling of all creeds. One must die for the country where he is born. One must pay one’s debt to the motherland. But it is not necessarily by enlisting in the army and laying down one’s life while defending the country’s borders. One can serve one’s country...
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Essay on “Human Resource Development” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay No. 01 Human Resource Development The greatest and the most precious asset of a country its people as it is they who exploit all natural resources and potentials of a region. These people from the wealth of a nation. It is on the quality of citizens that the prosperity of a nation depends. If we look back into the history of civilization, this hypothesis becomes crystal clear. This was the...
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Essay on “Freedom of the Press in India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Freedom of the Press in India Essay No. 01 In modern times the press is called upon to perform a variety of functions. Its main function is to serve news of all descriptions with a view to making us familiar with what is happening in the world. Besides that, it expresses views on various matters-political, social, economic, educational and even religious. It thus creates guides and gives shape to public opinion....
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