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Essay on “Pleasures of reading” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Pleasures of reading       Reading is a very pleasant occupation in the moments of leisure. Happy and contented are those who are given to the habit of reading. The habit does never make you bored or alone. You are always in the company of great men, not only of the present but all those who have physically left this world, and left their previous experienced of life recorded in books....
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Essay on “Literature and modern technology” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Literature and modern technology      It is usually believed these days that literature is out of place in the present day technological milieu. Technology has registered unprecedented achievements the world over. It has resulted in affluence and prosperity for all, so there seems no need for literature to grow. The world’s top brains are involved these days in the processing of scientific achievements and fruitful applications of new inventions and...
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Essay on “E-governance” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

E-governance E-governance of late has made significant strides, and the government, both at the centre and the state level are approaching the issue with a sense of purpose and commitment. The sense of urgency has been instilled owing to advent of new technologies, development of appropriate content coupled with the interest evinced by the international agencies as also the appreciation given to the government functionaries to rise to the occasion to deliver to the citizen’s...
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Essay on “Examinations are a necessary evil” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Examinations are a necessary evil Essay No. 01                      “Farishtay  bhi cheekh utthen rubaru-i-imtehan                    Ye insaan hi hai ho diye jata hai imtehan-pe-imtehan”   Even ten angles cry aloud before the examination. It is only man who repeatedly takes the examination. This may sound philosophical. But this is a also reality to the day. Examinations are an age-old practice of evaluating students’  god  had tested the devotion of...
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Essay on “Violence on the increase ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Violence on the increase Essay No. 01 Introduction : Human civilization has come a long way from the Stone Age. Yet man continues to be violent in his conduct. In fact  , violence has increased today. A man cannot walk on the street without looking over his shoulder because of fear of assault. Top leaders of the nation, as well as retired military generals , are assassinated in broad daylight. The...
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Essay on “Don’t ban capital punishment” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Don’t ban capital punishment     Those who oppose capital punishment would rather have us believe that it is applied indiscriminately in each in each and every case related to some heinous crime. Death penalty is awarded and should b awarded as the  last resort on the part of the judicial authority to apply it only in cases where human sensitivity touches the abyss of degeneration.           We must remember that...
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Essay on “The great end of life is not knowledge but action” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The great end of life is not knowledge but action   Knowledge is an essential pre-requisite , a sine –qua non, without which no meaningful action is possible. Knowledge enriches the quality of life, which is why people dedicate entire lives to the pursuit an attainment of knowledge. Knowledge has been equated with enlightenment, a certain broadening of vision, which has always been valued and venerated. Some- times the level of...
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Essay on “Democracy is the freedom of criticism” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The test of democracy is the freedom of criticism   The world democracy is derived from a conjunction of two Greek words “demos” meaning people and “krasi” which means rule. Thus democracy is when people choose to rule themselves or in the words of Abraham Lincoln, “government by the people , of the people , for the people”. Obviously everyone in the country  cannot possibly take part in the government so...
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