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Write a debate in 150-200 words on “Private cars should be banned in the congested commercial areas of the cities”.

Private cars should be banned in the congested commercial areas of the cities. Good day, respected judges and dear fellow debaters. I shall speak for the motion that private cars should be banned in commercial areas of the city. Let’s look at the advantages. Firstly, banning private vehicles leads to less congestion. In some overcrowded places, traffic jams are really a nuisance. It’s an obvious waste of time, and being stuck...
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Write a debate in 150-200 words on “Joint Family is the most appropriate way of life”.

Joint Family is the most appropriate way of life. Respected Chairperson, honourable judges, members of staff and friends! I, Nishant, stand before you to speak for the motion on Joint Family as the most appropriate way of life in the context of our age-old culture. We know that our culture lays much emphasis on human values of love, affection, pity, mercy, sympathy, help, and compassion of Human life and survival are...
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Write a debate in 150-200 words on “Westernization has eroded Indian cult”.

Westernization has eroded Indian culture. Honorable principal, respected teachers, and my worthy opponent, Good Morning. One of the esteemed members of jury I, Navya stands before you to debate for the motion that westernization has eroded Indian culture. Indian culture, which is one of the oldest and richest cultures, is nowadays posing a serious threat as western culture is establishing its strong base in India and slowly and gradually wiping the...
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Write a debate in 150-200 words on “Private cars should be banned in the congested commercial areas of the cities.”

“Private cars should be banned in the congested commercial areas of the cities.” Good Day, respected judges and dear fellow debaters. I shall speak for the motion that private cars should be banned in commercial areas of the city. Let’s look at the advantages. Firstly, banning private vehicles leads to less congestion. In some overcrowded places, traffic jams are really a nuisance. It’s an obvious waste of time, and being stuck...
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Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion-‘Standard of living can be raised, but only at a great cost.

Esteemed judges’ good morning to you all. I, Aseem, stand before you to debate for the motion-Standard of living can be raised but only at a great cost. We are living in an era of consumerism, which dictates our definition of ‘standard of living’. In a nutshell, if we have more goods and more and more of the same goods, we are perceived as having a high standard of living. For...
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