Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “Multilingual State-A Blessing” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Passages with Solved Precis
We should face facts as they exist. We are multilingual it is true, and a very poor country too. The fear of getting employment or not getting employment springs, out of that poverty of ours. But. once we took courage in both our hands and began to work, poverty would vanish, and then those languages which have created a narrow regional spirit instead of being the curse that they seem to us today, would function as a magnificent vehicles of expression for the rich variety of cultural patterns and modes of living and thought that we have developed. Let us hope that day dawns very soon. A regional language as the medium of instruction can facilitate the process of education It helps the child to learn with ease and interest. But if it is thrust on an unwilling minority used to another allied languages it can vitiate the very process of education. It is supposed to help and would create difficulties of a socio-political nature.
Title – Multilingual State -A Blessing
Our country though poor yet has many languages. If with effort and dedication, we are able to wipe out poverty these languages will become a great asset. A regional language can help the child in picking up things easily. It is only when a language is forced upon the people their checks the very process of education.