Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “Human Evolution” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Passages with Solved Precis
Man, as he is, is not to be regarded as the crowning glory of evolution. The story of life on earth goes back to a thousand million years. In each geological period there have appeared creatures which might have been represented as the highest types of creation. Yet, those forms of life have been superseded by others. When we look at the steady climb of life in the path of evolution it is presumptuous to assume that man, the latest product is the last word or the final crowning glory and with his arrival the steps of evolution have come to a sudden end. if the past is any clue to the future, we cannot regard mankind as anything more than a stage in life’s progress, and a milestone on the oath of evolution towards a greater future. The next stage is not in his physiques but in his psyche, in his mind and spirit, in the emergence of a larger understanding and awareness, in the development of a new integration of character adequate to the new age. Man must purge himself of his intolerance, his love of power and we have to fight for this order first in our own souls, then in the world outside. The above view was held by Dr. Radhakrishnan.
Title – Human Evolution
Man, stands at the apex of evolutionary process. Other superior varieties of creation might have emerged in geological periods extending to millions of years. The psychological evolution, cessation of the lust for power and philosophical consciousness may be termed as the culmination of evolutionary process, making man the crowning glory of evolution.