Science Project on “The Force of Air”, Project Experiment Topics on Flight, Motion & Friction for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students.
The Force of Air
Materials Required:
- A square cheese cracker
- A square of paper
- A pencil with eraser
- A pin
Between the tips of your thumb and middle finger, lightly hold the square cheese cracker. It will begin to rotate as you blow on it.
Try and make a turning pinwheel.
Take a 5-inch (12.50 cm) square of paper, as shown in the illustration. Deftly fold the corners of the paper. Insert a pin at the end of the pencil, which has the eraser. Now flail the pencil around in the air. The square paper will start to rotate.
Now try and pull the pinwheel in a backward position. It will begin to rotate in the opposite direction. Drag the pinwheel backward and it will spin in the opposite direction.
Air pressure is created which pushes on the surface of the cracker once you blow on it. If the air pressure is greater on one side, for instance on the top, that section will start to move away from you. The other part comes towards you. Pressure is created when the pinwheel is waved in the air. The strength of the air on the flat surface of the paper is much larger than that on the thin edge.
The pinwheel gathers momentum and can rotate freely if you flail it around quickly so that it generates sufficient motion.