Home » Science Projects » Science Project on “Resistance to Air”, Project Experiment Topics on Flight, Motion & Friction for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students.

Science Project on “Resistance to Air”, Project Experiment Topics on Flight, Motion & Friction for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students.

Resistance to Air

Materials Required:

  1. Three sheets of typing paper

Aviation uses a word called “drag” a lot. This generally means the resistance of air to forward motion of an aircraft.

As and when an object moves faster in the air, the air in the atmosphere tries to slow it down.

With three sheets of regular typing paper, hold out your hand to arm’s length, with your palm upwards.

Put one piece of paper on your hand. Quickly pull your hand away and watch how slowly the paper falls to the ground.

Now take another piece of paper and crumble it into a ball. Repeat the same process with this as well. Note the speed, with which this fell to the ground.

Now make a paper airplane. Let this one go too, with its nose pointing to the ground.

This comparison will give you an idea, as to how aircraft and other carriers model their structures, so as to overcome this drag in the air.


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