Home » Languages » English (Sr. Secondary) » Precis writing for title “Place of art in the Modern Word” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes. Solved Precise 8

Precis writing for title “Place of art in the Modern Word” for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes. Solved Precise 8

Art occupies a position of great importance in the modern world. By this I do not mean that modern art is better than the art of other generations. It is obviously not. The quantity, not the quantity, of modern art is important. More people take conscious interest in art as art. And more people take a devote themselves to its practices that at any other period. Our age, though it has produced few masterpieces, is a thoroughly aesthetic age. The increase in the number of practitioners and of the dilettante in all the arts is not unconnected with the decrease in the number of religious believers. To minds whose religious needs have been denied their normal fulfillment art brings a certain spiritual satisfaction’s in its lowest forms art is for ritual’s sake so popular. In its higher and more significant forms it is philosophy as well as ritual. The arts including music and certain important kinds of literature have been, at most periods, the handmaids of religion. Their principal function was to prove religion with the visible or audible symbols which create in themed of the beholder those feelings which for him personally are the God. Divorced from religion, the arts are now independently cultivated for their own sake. The aesthetic beauty which was once devoted to the service of god has not set up a God of its own. The cultivation of art for its own sake has become a substitute for religion.

Title: – Place of art in the Modern Word.

Precis: – In the past, the arts, including music and literature were the handmaids of religion. Their main function was to provide religion with visible or audible symbols. But now, the cultivation of art for its own sake has become a substitute for religion. Art brings a certain spiritual satisfaction to those who religious needs have been denied their normal fulfillment. Hence, in the worked today, art occupies an important place and there is an increase in the number of people who practice it.


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  1. Amar says:

    You are doing Awesome Work

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