Paragraph on “When were the Olympic Games re-started?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12
When were the Olympic Games re-started?
A young French baron, Pierre de Coubertin of Paris, was responsible for the rebirth of the Olympic Games in 1896 — after a lapse of 15 centuries.
As you probably know, the first Olympic Games were held by the Greeks about 776 BC and continued to be held every four years for over 1,100 years. They ceased about 500 years after the Romans conquered the Greeks. This was as a result of long and intense bitterness between the Greeks and Romans. The Greeks considering the Roman practice of accepting payment for public appearances of athletes, directly opposed to the original idea of the Olympic games, which was to promote brotherhood and national peace.
It was for this same reason in fact — that international sporting games could help bring about a better understanding among men of all nations — that Pierre de Coubertin made his formal Olympic Games recommencement proposal, at a meeting of the Athletic Sports Union in Paris in 1892. His plan was accepted and the city of Athens, the capital of Greece, was chosen as the most fitting site.
At first many nations did not have athletes skilled enough to compete. But from a 12-event programme in 1896 it had extended by 1936 to 40 in field and track events, as well as there being contests in rowing, swimming, boxing, fencing, cycling, wrestling, water polo, equestrian events, gymnastics, hockey, soccer, pistol, revolver and rifle shooting, trapshooting and weight lifting. There were also competitions in art and literature.