Paragraph on “The First Plants” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12
The First Plants
There was a time when there were no plants on earth. As millions of years passed, tiny specs of protoplasm were formed. The formation of protoplasm was probably the first step towards the formation of plants. Today protoplasm is found both in animals and plants. These specks of protoplasm then developed thick walls and began to fix themselves in one place. Next came the development of Chlorophyll, which gave the plants their green colour and the capability to make their own food in the presence of sunlight. The early plants were single celled but as time went by, they developed multiple cells. These plants thrived in water because they dried in the sun and many of them, like Algae, are still found in water. Some of the earlier forms of Algae anchored themselves with roots on the edge of the water and grew above the water surface. They then developed leaves and took the shape of land plants. The earlier plants reproduced through cell division or through spores. With the passage of time these spores developed into seeds which allowed plants to multiply in large numbers.