Write a letter to the customer for delay in execution of an order.

Write a letter to the customer for delay in execution of an order. July 15, 2003 To, The Estate Department, State Bank of India, Local Head Office, Mumbai. Sir, At the outset let us thank you for honouring us with an order of 10 Nos. of computer tables vide P.O. No. SBI/LHO/086/2003 dt. July 5, 2003. However, as your computer tables are of a different make altogether from the normal ones,...
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Write a letter for cancellation of order.

Write a letter for cancellation of order. July 11, 2003 To, M/s Wipro Computers, New Delhi. Sir, We deeply regret to inform you that due to your failure in honouring your commitments, we are compelled to cancel the purchase order vide P.O. No. SBI/LHO/033/2003 dt. June 25, 2003. We have already placed an order with HCL computers. No further correspondence in this regard will be entertained and the matter is closed...
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Reply Letter from the client to the Manager for delay in payment.

Reply Letter from the client to the Manager for delay in payment. July 10, 2003 To, M/s. Remington Rand, Sansad Marg, New Delhi. Sir, We are in receipt of your letter dt. July 7, 2003. We deeply regret the delay in payment. We are enclosing a Pay Order for the same vide P.O. No. 7326544 dt. July 9, 2003 drawn in favour of M/s. Remington Rand of Indian Ltd. Kindly acknowledge...
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Letter to the client for delay in payment.

Letter to the client for delay in payment. July 7, 2003 To, Life Insurance Corporation, Jeevan Bharti, Sansad Marg, New Delhi. Sir, This is to draw your kind attention to our verbal discussion and the subsequent purchase order No. LIC/02/7341 dt. July 2, 2003, the payment terms were within 2 days from the receipt of the material. However, 5 days have passed since the receipt of the cabinet. You are requested...
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Reply letter from Boss to the employee on the subject of transfer from Lucknow to Delhi.

Reply letter from Boss to the employee on the subject of transfer from Lucknow to Delhi. June 18, 2003 To, Abhinav Jha Philips (India) Ltd., Lucknow. In reference to your letter dt. June 14, 2003, the undersigned would like to inform you that your transfer proposal has been put before the management and your case will be seriously considered. The undersigned is confident that you will be very soon shifted to...
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Reply letter from dealer to the Marketing Manager of TV company on remittance of outstanding payment.

Reply letter from dealer to the Marketing Manager of TV company on remittance of outstanding payment. June 11, 2003 To The Finance Manager, BPL India Ltd., New Delhi. Sir, In reference to your letter dt. June 3, 2003. I would like to intimate your goodself that since the beginning of our business, this has been the first time that our payment has been delayed. As you are also aware of the...
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Write a letter to your dealer in the capacity of a Manager of BPL for the remittance of outstanding payment.

Write a letter to your dealer in the capacity of a Manager of BPL for the remittance of outstanding payment. June 3, 2003 To, M/S…….. Address, Sir, This is to bring to your kind attention that your outstanding payment for the month of April is yet to reach us. Your credit period of 45 days is already over. Kindly make the remittance of the Bill No…… of Rs. 3.65 lacs dt……...
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