CBSE ASL Speaking Topic “Conversation between two friends Ram and Shyam regarding the Indian Constitution”

Conversation between two friends Ram and Shyam regarding the Indian Constitution. Conversation on the Topic “Indian Constitution” for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students. Ram: Do you know who gave the idea of the Indian Constitution first of all? Shyam: Yes. Mr. M.N. Roy gave the idea of the Indian Constitution first of all. Ram: Do you know when was the Indian Constitution passed? Shyam: Yes. It was passed on...
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CBSE ASL Speaking Topic “Discussion on the topic of the ‘Future of English in India’ among certain friends”.

Discussion on the topic of the ‘Future of English in India’ among certain friends. Conversation on the Topic “Future of English in India” for Class 9, 10, 11, and 12 Students. Sarita: First of all, English as the medium of instruction was introduced in India by Lord William Bentick. Sonia: Although the object of the Britishers in introducing the English language in India was quite selfish, yet there is no doubt...
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CBSE ASL Speaking Topic “Discussion on the topic of ‘Freedom of Press’ among certain friends”.

Discussion on the topic of ‘Freedom of Press’ among certain friends. Conversation on the Topic “Freedom of Press” for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students. Rita: The press plays a very significant role in the life of a democratic society. Raj: In my opinion, the role of the press cannot be minimized even in a dictatorship. Because a dictator also needs the press to propagate his ideology and policies. Ramesh:...
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CBSE ASL Speaking Topic “Discussion on the topic of ‘evils of drinking’ among certain friends”.

Discussion on the topic of ‘evils of drinking’ among certain friends. Conversation on the Topic “Evils of Drinking” for Class 9, 10, 11, and 12 Students. Sita: All our religious books have condemned the evils of drinking. According to ‘Mahabharata’ drunkards behave like madmen. Sultana: Even our Prophet Mohammed condemned the use of liquor. He forbade his followers to drink alcohol. Meena: A drunkard starts abusing and misbehaving with his elders...
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CBSE ASL Speaking Topic “Discussion regarding the role of students among certain friends” for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

Discussion regarding the role of students among certain friends. Conversation on the Topic “Role of Students” for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students. Indu: India has a vast population of students who are studying in thousands of schools and colleges. Hema: These students can play a very significant role in the rebuilding and reconstruction of our nation. Rashmi: This can only happen if their energies are properly channelised. Suraj: The...
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CBSE ASL Speaking Topic “Discussion on the topic of fashion among certain friends”.

Discussion on the topic of fashion among certain friends. Conversation on the Topic “Fashion Among the Students” for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students. Peter: Young boys and girls all over the world are day by day becoming more fashionable nowadays. Molly: The young students want to dress themselves in the most modern dresses according to the latest fashion. Alexander: Fashion spreads like a wild fire and is adopted by...
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CBSE ASL Speaking Topic “Conversation between two friends Ramesh and Neeta regarding Indian films”.

Conversation between two friends Ramesh and Neeta regarding Indian films. Conversation on the Topic “Indian Films” for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students. Ramesh: Which film have you seen recently, Neeta? Neeta: I have not seen any film for the last six months. Can you believe it? Ramesh: Really, I can’t believe it. I think you have been crazy for the films. Neeta: You are right, Ramesh, I used to...
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CBSE ASL Speaking Topic “Conversation between Bill and Mary regarding the importance of Good Manners”.

CBSE ASL Speaking Topic “Conversation between Bill and Mary regarding the importance of Good Manners” Conversation on the Topic “Importance of Good Manners” for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students. Bill: Good manners are very essential both for the boys and girls. Mary: These do not cost anything but are valuable for social relations with others. Bill: Good manners help a person in winning friends and admiration. Mary: I firmly...
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