Learn Java Script, The Math Object, Lesson No. 18

    Having introduced you to the String object, it seems only proper at this point in the discussion that I talk a little about the Math object as well. This object is created automatically in every JavaScript and JScript, so you do not have to create an instance of it as you do with the String object. You can simply refer to the Math object when you need to. Like...
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Lean Java Script, Referencing JavaScript in an External .js File, Lesson No. 17

      To store your JavaScripts in external files, you need to save them as plain text files with a .js file extension. You then need to add the SCR attribute to the opening <SCRIPT> tag in your HTML page as demonstrated here. <SCRIPT SRC=”Test.js” LANGUAGE=”JavaScript” TYPE=”Text/JavaScript”> </SCRIPT> In this example, an external JavaScript named Test.js has been specified. This external JavaScript can contain any number of JavaScript statements. However,...
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Learn Java Script, Writing Text with Strings, Lesson No. 15

  We have spent a lot of time already this morning learning about how to work with values. One object in particular, the String object, you will find yourself using over and over again in your scripts. I thought I’d spend a little time going over the String object now, even though the lesson on JavaScript and JScript objects isn’t until this later this morning. Consider this a sneak preview. The...
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Download Python 2.7 Software for Computer Science Class 11 and 12 CBSE.

Python is an easy-to-lean yet powerful object oriented programming language. it is a very high level programming language yet as powerful as many other middle-level not so high-level languages like C, C++, JAVA etc. Though Python language come to being in early 1990’s yet it is competing with ever-popular language such as C, C++ JAVA etc. in popularity index. although, it is not perfect for every type of application, yet it...
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Shorthand Dictation 80 Words per minute “ Sahara India” , Test 5 Minutes with 5 Minutes Audio Dictation, Shorthand Outline and Text Matter. Test 8

      ( 5 Minute Dictation, Play Dictation)  This Memorandum of Information is being make by Sahara India Real Estate Corporation Limited which is an unlisted Company and neither its equity shares nor any of the bonds /  debentures are listed or proposed to be listed. This issue is purely on the private placement basis and the company does not intend to get these Optionally Fully Convertible Debentures listed on...
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Shorthand Dictation 80 Words per minute “ The economics of freedom” , Test 5 Minutes with 5 Minutes Audio Dictation, Shorthand Outline and Text Matter. Test 7

    ( 5 Minute Dictation, Play Dictation ) I have dealt with, what is called, the economics of freedom. Now, take four instance, the Communist world. There they /  make up for the loneliness and insecurity with their collective working and wages according to work. Then the spy system /  and mutual watchfulness is there.  The sense of insecurity, therefore, exists there. A man would not be allowed to live...
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Shorthand Dictation 80 Words per minute “ One of the greatest barriers” , Test 5 Minutes with 5 Minutes Audio Dictation, Shorthand Outline and Text Matter. Test 6

    ( 5 Minute Dictation, Play Dictation )       One of the greatest barriers to democratising Indian society is the whole gap between educational facilities for the children of/ the elite and those for the children for  the deprived and weaker sections of the community . These discrepancies given rise /  to different cultural values, to widespread frustration and discontent while at the same time perpetuating the social...
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