Learn how to Referencing JavaScript in an External .js File
To store your JavaScripts in external files, you need to save them as plain text files with a .js file extension. You then need to add the SCR attribute to the opening <SCRIPT> tag in your HTML page as demonstrated here.
<SCRIPT SRC=”Test.js” LANGUAGE=”JavaScript”
TYPE=”Text/JavaScript”> </SCRIPT>
In this example, an external JavaScript named Test.js has been specified. This external JavaScript can contain any number of JavaScript statements. However, it cannot contain any HTML whatsoever. Otherwise you’ll end up with an error. For example, the contents of the Test.js script might be as simple as this:
document.write(“This is an external JavaScript.”);
There are many advantages to putting JavaScripts in externally referenced files. For starters, by moving JavaScripts out of your HTML pages you make your HTML pages smaller and easier to work with. In addition, you can reuse the JavaScripts stored as external files over and over again by referencing them from any number of HTML pages. This way if you create a script that you want to reference from multiple HTML pages, you can do so without having to embed the same script in different HTML pages over and over again. As a bonus, should you ever want to modify the functionality of an externally stored script, you may do so without having to visit every HTML page where you would otherwise have embedded it.