Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “The Forming of Habits” Long, Short Essay for School, College Students, essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Exams
The Forming of Habits
Habits and field-paths are formed in the same way: by repetition. Villagers, as a rule, do not deliberately make a footpath to the next village. They just go the shortest or easiest way over the fields. Day after day, people go and come the same way. Their feet tread down the grass and beat the earth hard. By their repeated walking in the same direction a track or path is made. In the same way, the more often we do anything in the same way or at the same time, the more we shall be inclined so to do it. At last a habit is formed.
Why is it easy to form bad habits, and so hard to form good ones? The reason is plain. Our natural inclination is to take the line of least resistance. It requires at first a distinct effort to take the more difficult of two possible courses of action. For instance, it is easier to lie in bed on a cold morning than to get up early. It is easier to tell a lie than to own up and take the punishment for a fault. It is easier to put off to-day’s duties to to-morrow than to do them at the right time. Now a habit is formed by repetition. Every time we yield to a temptation makes it easier to yield, and harder to resist, the next time. So we form the habits of laziness. lying and unpunctuality.
Happily, good habits are formed in the same way. The forming of good habits calls for effort and determination at first; but every time we resist temptation and do what is in the long run wise and good, we make the next struggle less severe. At last, we form the good habit, which would be hard to break even if we wanted to break it. Get into the habit of early rising, and you will not want to lie in bed like a lazy-bone. Get into the habit of telling the truth, and you will find it really hard to tell a lie. Get into the habit of doing to-day’s work to-day, and you will feel uncomfortable if you have to put anything off until tomorrow.
Habit-forming is very important; for character is simply a bundle of habits. If we form good habits, we build up a good character; if we form bad habits, we form a bad character.