Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “The Art of Flattery” Complete Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
The Art of Flattery
Flattery is not a pleasing term, yet we know how essential it is for success in life. The student, who flatters the teacher, is sure to receive more attention in the class and obtain a better position in the examination. The worker in the factory is certain of receiving promotion if he has pleased his boss and the public figure is bound i to obtain a place of distinction if he keeps the people in good humour.
Flattery is the art of pleasing people. The story i of the king who delighted in listening of this courtiers praising him illustrates the fact. If he said there was moon in the sky, they would say, ‘yes, your Majesty, that sky is lit with moon and stars’. The next moment, if he said it was mid-day, they would say the sunlight was scorching. Polonius in Hamlet is a typical example of such courtiers. Both the parties know the truth and yet they both say things which look foolish.
The courtier knows that it would not help anybody if he contradicted the king rather it was likely to bring positive harm to himself. The courtier is likely to suffer the worth of the sovereign. He would be deprived of the favours bestowed on him by the royal will. He would be a fool to forgo the prize for a little whim of not coming up to the situation. He pleases the king and himself by flattering him.
The person is power has certain rights and privileges and it is not for subordinates to find fault with him. Human mind is so conditioned that it runs into certain fixed channels of thought unless deflected to flow in some other channels by strong forces. The opinion of a courtier is not likely to awaken the mind of the king. In the same way, the opinion of the student would not affect the mind of the teacher in any way. He would incur his displeasure for nothing.
It is not infrequent to find mothers flattering the babies. Children are flattered beyond measure. They should know in their turn therefore to flatter their parents to receive favours. That is illustrated by Regan and Gonerilia, the two daughters of King Lear Cordelia, who does not know the art, is deprived of the patrimony.
Every businessman seems to be a professional as far as the art of flattery goes. In order to be able to sell the goods, the humours and cajoles his prospective customer. He endorses what the customer has to say and he tries his very best to cater to his or her needs. It is not the quality of goods but the art of flattery which he has learnt that makes a businessman successful.
Socrates is the examples of public men who did not humour the people. The people have certain opinions and ideologies. Those who to their wishes are their leaders. Those who oppose ,Pc) them, according Who point out their follies and weaknesses are considered undesirable and shunned. Socrates was poisoned to death and for similar reason was Christ crucified. In politics flattery is called diplomacy. It consists in holding one’s own feelings and sayings and doing things which catches others fancies. Gifts, and presents serve the same purpose. The purpose of public address and reception is the same. If flattery is so widespread, why should we feel shy of being called a flatterer? It is by no means creditable that an individual occupies the lowest rung of the ladder of success through his stiff nakedness and obduracy. By like the lake of soft blue waters which responds to every gale and is the beloved of all, rather than be like the hard rough -,one which is evaded by everyone.