Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “Indiscipline and Unrest among Students” Complete English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Indiscipline and Unrest among Students
Essay No. 01
Every responsible person today complains of the growing indiscipline among students. This is a fact borne out by daily happenings. Whenever something is done against them, they will go on strike. In examinations, they insist on copying and if any invigilator checks them, he is threatened. Students insult teachers and all this clearly proves that our students are indisciplined.
Today, in all parts ‘of the world, students feel restless, suffocated and oppressed and the revolt of the student community against the establishment is a worldwide phenomenon. We may dismiss students’ agitations and indiscipline as manifestations of immaturity and say that only the wise can understand the root cause of the problem. The older generation’s approach to the problem is based on three assumptions: faith in spiritualism, great regard for traditions and belief in gradualism. The younger generations have no trust in religious authority, they distrust the traditional code of conduct and they want immediate solutions to their problems.
Students no longer believe that a university is a place where they have to acquire knowledge under conditions laid down by the authorities and acquire the qualifications which bring success in life. Taking interest in political, economic and social affairs of the day only as detached observers, they resent these conditions and insist on more positive role in shaping the human destiny.
In democracies students are taught at the universities to develop intellectual curiosity, to cultivate the habit of questioning things, to take nothing for granted. They are taught to value freedom, peace and equality and to judge everything from the standpoint of man as a free human being. But they should not take active part in movements directed towards the achievement of the democratic values, they are asked to inculcate.
Can earnest students abstain from protesting when they find national freedom being destroyed by the imperialists, capitalists or socialists: when they witness racial persecution of the most blatant kind being practiced or when nuclear testing is contaminating the atmosphere of the world? There is always a big gap between what the establishment professes and what it actually does. We have been trying to achieve socialism in India in which each of the citizens would be assured of gainful employment and just wage, there would be no concentration of economic power and disparities in the distribution of national income reduced. Yet during the last five decades, the unemployment situation has worsened concentration of economic power has markedly increased and the disparities in the distribution of wealth have widened. A student who thinks over the prevalent situation seriously is bound to find the contrast too glaring. He cannot remain just a silent spectator because his own future is bound up with the success of the socialist policy. It is easy to understand the restlessness of the enthusiastic serious-minded idealistic young men. However, we cannot close our eyes to the peril involved in the participation of students in political movements. They may be easily misled by political parties for their selfish ends.
Those with revolutionary ideology may find ready recruits among idealist youth whose lack of political experience and innocent nature make them an easy prey to the insidious appeal of totalitarianism. Youthful enthusiasm is exploited by politicians of all kinds to promote their personal and regional ends. They are persuaded by politicians to agitate for linguistic redistribution of States for keeping English as the official language of the Union; for redistribution of land, etc. During such agitations studies are neglected, trains are stopped, policemen are pelted with stones, property is looted, buildings and buses are burnt and innumerable other anti-social activities are committed.
This outbreak of violence seriously undermines the foundations of the democratic order and destroys the confidence of the people in peaceful social change.
We cannot blame the students alone for the growing indiscipline and unrest. Students were encouraged by our leaders to take part in the freedom struggle. They followed all the methods that were useful to achieve independence from the British rule. Now they use those very methods against their leaders whenever attempts are made at disciplining them. Political parties make use of students for their own ends.
Students were used as tools in Gujarat, Punjab, Assam and Bihar. Indeed politics is the most important cause of student indiscipline today. Student unrest is also attributed to the fact that students regard themselves as adults and as fully matured—physically as well as mentally—and want that those in authority should also regard them as such. They oversimplify issues and think in terms of black and white. Persons who control the administration may be lacking in many qualities; they may be blocking attempts to liberate humanity, but we should not forget that there are always practical difficulties in the way of reform. World has not been able to achieve nuclear disarmament, not because politicians are wicked persons bent upon destroying human civilization but because a foolproof inspection and control system, which can detect the violation of a treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons has not yet been discovered. The solution found by the Government cannot please all parties.
No doubt, Governments at times pursue opportunistic policies. In a democratic set-up, it is the duty of the opposition parties and media to expose the sins of omission and commission of the administration and to suggest alternatives. The students should keep themselves aloof from the political controversies.
The unfortunate part of student agitation is that it easily degenerates into violence. Students can blame the present examination system, the hostile attitude of the university administration, the poor quality of teaching, the exorbitant tuition fees but they are not entitled to raise their demands by assaulting the invigilators, gheraoing the Vice Chancellor, disrupting teaching, shouting objectionable slogans, and committing acts of looting, arson and using other methods of intimidation.
Our education system does not suit many students. They do not find it of any use. They fail to get suitable jobs after completing their education. This makes them unhappy. A very large number of students at the university level lack the required ability to assimilate high learning and the same fact is responsible for the student unrest in this country. Such students attend college because they have nothing else to do: because a university degree is essential for getting a job. They find class lectures dull because they have no intellectual curiosity. But they are the leaders of the students when a grievance has to be ventilated, agitations have to be organized, peace has to be disrupted. Like workers, students have developed a perverted kind of trade union mentality. If the authorities want to take action against a student, strikes and demonstrations follow and they are compelled to withdraw their disciplinary orders. Keeping students in good humour is now part of the authorities, duties.
Democracy requires citizens who have the ability to think for themselves, and draw their own conclusions, who have open receptive minds and can assimilate the best that other cultures can offer, who have the potential to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong, and who look at problems from the standpoint of common good.
It is the task of the educational institutions to produce men gifted with these qualities. University graduates are to be elites of the nation. They are to be its future leaders as administrators, educationists, Judges, journalists, legislators, business executives and trade union leaders. They have a tremendous task about them—the task of modernizing the country and educating the people to think rationally.
They can shoulder this responsibility only if they themselves are clearheaded and if they are guided always by the common good. Unfortunately, we do not have such men in large numbers at the helm of affairs. There is a sharp decline in our public life because majority of our political leaders and administrators are not genuine nationalists but are moved by communal, regional, caste and other parochial considerations because we are in the habit of placing personal considerations above the national interests. Though the problem is a difficult one and indiscipline and unrest are fast spreading, yet it is not such as cannot be solved. Only we need a will to solve it. Politics in every form should be kept out of schools and colleges. No one should be allowed to take part in politics including teachers who too indulge in politics and use students against each other. Political parties must agree that none of them would use students to achieve their political ends. Students and teachers should remain busy in their work and student unions should not be allowed to take the form of political parties and they must work only as literacy organizations.
Only when the educated classes have learnt to identify themselves with the masses, will the present atmosphere in the country improve. Student unrest and indiscipline would also disappear if the present uncertainty regarding an educated young man’s prospects in life is ended by making development more employment-oriented.
Essay No. 02
Indiscipline among Students
Now-a-days the problem of indiscipline among students has grown very serious. Everybody complains of the growing indiscipline among the students who are our future hopes.
The question arises why there is indiscipline among students? Some main causes ‘that are responsible for the-indiscipline -among the students are:
- Our old system of education results in unrest among the students. They have to pass through old system of examinations.
- Students were encouraged by our leaders before 1947 to take part in freedom struggle. The leaders and students made use of all fair and foul methods. The students grew in the habit of using them against their teachers and the elders. Now we are independent but still political parties use students for their selfish ends.
- The schools and colleges are over-crowded. The teachers are low-paid. They are ill-fed and ill-clad. They run after tuitions to make money. Students go to the safest way to tuitions to pass the examination. The students do not study and the teachers do not teach: When there is no work, indiscipline comes in.
- Our present educational system is not fruitful: After the education, the students do not get proper jobs. There is a rush in classes. So there is no personal link between teachers and students. Students fail to learn many useful and important things from their teachers.
- Indiscipline among students is a part of indiscipline in the society. The students see that their leaders behave in an indisiciplined manner. Hence they do whatever they see. The home atmosphere also does not suit our students. They see the anti-social activities of their father.
- Every year books and courses are changed. Experiments are made at the cost of student’s career. Sometimes the students have to appear in both meetings during the examination days. They are to learn most difficult subjects in a day when they take up examination. They use unfair means. When they are checked, they revolt.
Certain suggestions:
- The students or teachers should not be allowed to take part in politics. Political parties should not use the students for their selfish ends. Only first class persons should be appointed as teachers. Salary of teachers must be -increased. The classes must not be overcrowded. There must be a good choice of taking up different courses & subjects.
- The students should be taken away from the dirty life of cities. Schools and colleges must be far away from busy cities. Let us follow the example Gurukuls and Rishikuls.
- Collective efforts should be made by the Government, teachers and guardians. The government should take interest in the education of the students. The teachers should think themselves as trustees. The guardians should devote some time to look after their wards.