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Essay on “The Camel” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Camel

Essay No. 01

The camel is a large animal. It has very tall legs and a long neck. It has a high hump. It does not look so beautiful.

It can walk and run easily in desert. This is why the camel is called the ship of the desert.

It has a very big bag in his stomach. It stores water and food in the hump. So it can stay without water and food for many days. Its feet are padded. These pads help him in walking or running on the sand.

A camel can tell of coming sand-storm. It can warn man of a possible storm. The camels from Arabia have one hump. The Bactarian camels have two humps.

A camel is a very useful animal. It carries load and draws carts. It is used for ploughing the field and drawing water.


Essay No. 02


Camel is a large mammal of the desert. It is a cud-chewing animal and has one or two humps on its back. They mature at the age of 17 and live up to 50 years. They are usually dark brown to dusty gray in color; however, white camels do occur. Camels are often ill-tempered and are known to spit at people, bite, and kick.

Camel is well adapted for life in the desert. It feeds on desert vegetation and can go without water for up to three weeks.

Loaded pack camels can travel for three or four days without water. The secret of the camel’s endurance is its ability to conserve water. Its body temperature, unlike that of most mammals, is not constant; instead, it rises during the heat of the day, eliminating the need to sweat or pant and thus conserving water. In addition, little water is excreted in its urine and feces.

The camel has flat, broad feet that enable it to stand on top of sand without sinking. Each foot has two toes with small nails. Tough, horny pads on the feet, chest, thighs, and knees protect the skin from burning when the camel lies down on the sand. Double rows of long, thick eyelashes protect the camel’s eyes from glare and sand. The slit-like nostrils can be closed during sand or dust storms. The camel’s hump contains fat, which sustains the animal.


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