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Essay on “It’s Contribution to Indian society” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.


It’s Contribution to Indian society


Cinema is the most powerful medium of the modern age. India is one of the world major film producing countries,next only in respect of the number of motion pictures produced, to the U.S.A and Japan. Cinema and television have become the most effective audio visual media in our country. Cinema like the other works of arts is the reflection of aspirations hopes and frustrations of our society.

The language of moing images is very strong. It is a language in which you dream play and plan. Generally, there are two categories of films in our industry. They are the mainstream masala films and the parallel cinema or art films. The audience of the films is also divided. Common people like the masala films and the intellectual class likes the parallel cinema.

Cinema is the biggest source of entertainment for all sections of society rich and poor literate and illiterate, young and old. For the poor section of society, cinema is the most important source of entertainment. They work hard and collect money to buy tickets for their favorite movies. Most of them enjoy the mindless masala stuff of the movies.

If our films have a sound educative theme as part of the story, no harm would be done to the youth. However, most of our films present scenes of sex, vulgarity and meaningless crime and violence. It is no wonder that the youth imitate the screen hero or heroine in everyday life and try to turn what they see in films into reality.

Psychologist and other experts have repeatedly found that the main cause of eve teasing and assaults on girls is the influence of cinema. Seeing their favorite hero running after a heroine approaching and tempting her influence the youth who start behaving in an indecent and irrational manner. Thus the social fabric and the morals of the young people are adversely affected.

The apex court of the country has advised the censor Board to step in firmly and insist that the film being released has a message to  improve the value of life and contains only such scenes which promote good  values. Actually the impressions created by the cinema on the minds of the  audience is strong and lasting. Thus cinema has its social obligations.

In early days of cinema ,films were made with social messages, films like Achhoot  Kanya, Awara, Mother India ,Bandini,Garam Hawa,etc.were made to promote nationalisn,social solidarity,patriotisn,mutual cooperation,etc. Through these films the filmmakers tried to attack social evils such as child marriage, sati widow remarriage, untouchability and social discrimination.

With the growing consumerism the social obligation of the film has been replaced by commercialism. This trend of commercialism of cinema is causing great damage to the society. It is indeed unfortunate that our film producers forget their social responsibility the duty of imparting real education and instruction to the masses. Instead of presenting life as it is our film directors create false picture of the reality with the stories of affluent classes their big bungalows and palaces gorgeous dresses and costumes which are far removed from the actualities of our life. Again the showing of western styles of dress and living also reflect a failure of film directors social responsibility. A well informed public opinion can create the social awareness and responsibility among the directors. In this respect the role of film critics is very important as they have to inform viewers how to differentiate between good and bad films.

Cinema  can certainly act as effective and highly useful instrument of social change. The influence of cinema is deep rooted in our society. From fashion to habits, every aspect of our life is influenced by cinema. The latest design in clothes, jewellery  and even bike cars promoted by the heroes and heroines of the film world.

Cinema provides employment to millions of people across the country. Cinema needs various arts like acting, singing, dialogue writing, story writing, directing, lyrics writing, composing, etc. Apart from actors, actresses, story writers, lyricists, singers and musicians, there are distributors, recording companies, instrument makers and cinema houses and their staff, designers, cameramen and several others related with a film. These people directly or indirectly earn their livelihood through cinema.

Cinema can bring a change in our outmoded attitudes and customs. Films like Rang De Basanti have strong social messages. After this film candle light vigil in support of Hessica Lal and Priyadarshini Motto murder cases conveyed a strong message to our judiciary. It is true that social change is a matter of evolution and is a time consuming process. Cinema is unrivalled in many ways as a communication medium. But whatever little it does by way of sound and healthy messages is confined by and large to the urban and semi urban areas. In the rural areas only the cheap masala films are released.

Thus we may conclude that cinema has made great contribution to our society. But it must recognized its must recognize its responsibilities and try to do away the negative influences associated with it. Then only we may have films which give adequate food for serious thought.


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