Home » 10th Class » Essay on “If I Become a Millionaire” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay on “If I Become a Millionaire” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

If I Win a Lottery


If I Become a Millionaire


The Lure of Lottery

If I Get a Million Rupees



The lure of lottery or easy money is as old  as mankind itself.  The poor Eve could be lured into eating the forbidden fruit by Satan only when he told her that her act would bring a lot of joy to her.  Nobody is free from the weakness.  Who does not want to be rich overnight? IN his heart of hearts, everybody desires to have some easy money from somewhere so that he can have cars, beautiful bangalows and the various luxuries of life. Ours is a poor country.  The majority of our people are living below the poverty line.  They can hardly make both ends meet.  It is not surprising, therefore, that lotteries are more popular here than in any other country of the world.  At every public place and every busy street corner, you can find a lottery agent dining into your ears the pictures of a rosy and glorious future.  The canvassing is to effective is so effective that thousands and thousands of people flock to him to try their luck. I am no super human being.  I, too, indulge in day dreaming.  I am not that unlucky.

                The goddess of fate must come to my rescue one day. I am sure that the dame of fortune is certainly waiting for me in some unknown corner.  In order to give her a chance, I purchase a lottery ticket every month.  Then I start planning my entire future. I imagine that I would win the lottery and be the proud master of the million rupees.  I have already planned well in advance how I shall spend this huge amount of wealth.

                It goes without saying that I will spend each rupee carefully.  I have definite ideas in such matters.

                I will ask my father to resign his job.  It is below his dignity to work as a clerk. He is very old now.  He is also not in good health. He has labored hard all his life.  He needs rest very badly.  He should sit at home and enjoy retired life.

                As soon as the gates of wealth are opened on me, first of all, I will have a bungalow in an ideal colony.  The house I live in, should not be called a house.  It is the dirtiest place in the dirtiest colony.  So my house will be like a palace.  The rooms will be air-conditioned.  I will have a coloured television set also. A very modern and costly car will give us a lot of comfort.

                I will purchase agricultural land and some modern implements.  I will get a tractor also.  I will grow wheat and some seasonal crops.  I have also been interested in agriculture.

                I will educate my younger sister and make her a lady doctor.  She is a bright student.  She is keen to study.  But my father does not have money to provide her higher education.  If I get a lottery prize, I will look after my sister’s education.

                My mother is religious-minded. She would like to visit places of pilgrimage. I will take her round that uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. They discourage me by saying that poverty is a blessing and that sweet are the uses of adversity.  I have determined to cut off the wings of wealth when it comes to me. I shall make the best use of every penny. I shall invest my money usefully so that I remain rich more money.  I shall never become poor once the gates of wealth are opened on me.  That is why I tell the prophets of doom to keep their counsels to themselves.  I continue to try my luck without getting discouraged.


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